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Monday, June 23, 2014

Physicist Offers Challenge- Daily Kos

Sun Jun 22, 2014 at 10:58 AM PDT

Physicist offers $10,000 to anyone who can disprove "man-made global climate change"

A Physicist and author on global warming Dr. Christopher Keating has just announced The $10,000 Global Warming Skeptic Challenge. Dr. Keating is putting up $10,000 of his own money to anyone who can disprove that man-made Global Warming is not occuring.
The $10,000 Global Warming Skeptic Challenge! 1. I will award $10,000 of my own money to anyone that can prove, via the scientific method, that man-made global climate change is not occurring;
2. There is no entry fee;
3. You must be 18 years old or older to enter;
4. Entries do not have to be original, they only need to be first;
5. I am the final judge of all entries but will provide my comments on why any entry fails to prove the point.
Climate Change Deniers Using Same Methods as Tobacco Industry, Says Physicist
Keating has been involved, at some level, with climate change for 30 years. He has been a professor of physics for over 20 years and has taught at the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. 
Keating points to the claims of deniers as supporting evidence. "Compare the claims of deniers of today to the people that denied a link between tobacco and lung disease and see how similar they are. The tobacco people funded certain scientists to undermine valid research. At the same time, they called into question the ability of scientist receiving government funding to remain unbiased. They claimed lung disease was just a natural event. Climate change deniers today are making the same arguments about global warming."

Keating also points to the funding source for much of the deniers. "A recent study done at Drexel University showed that denier organizations have received nearly $560 million over an eight-year period. They traced this money to about 140 different organizations, including many with ties to the fossil fuel industry. These are the people that stand to lose money if we do something about climate change. It simply shatters any credibility the deniers might have ever had."
Keating is so sure of his claim that he has issued two challenges to the deniers, one that will pay $10,000 to anyone that can prove, via the scientific method that man made climate change is not real; and one that will pay $1000 to anyone that can provide any scientific evidence at all that it isn't real. The challenge is open to anyone over 18 and there is no entry fee. "I will judge all entries and show why they fail or succeed in the challenge. Entries don't even have to be original. They just have to be first."

Keating says he is more than willing to pay the money but doesn't believe it will happen, "I'm a scientist and I have to go where the science leads me. I have been studying climate change for a long time and I am certain my money is safe. They are in the business of denial and deception, not science. But, if someone could give me a scientific proof global warming isn't real, it would be worth the money."
“They are even free to find proof on the Internet and cut and paste it,” he said, adding “you don’t have to be a scientist and you don’t have to submit an original proof.”
Dr. Keating said he would be “surprised” if anyone could produce a scientifically sound argument disproving man-made climate change.
And is he seriously willing to give away $10,000?
“Absolutely!” he stated. “This is not a bluff.”
Each entry will be posted online on his blog along with his comments, and he said he would only succeed in ruining his own credibility and that of climate scientists everywhere if he did not follow through.
“If I am a fraud, then I will be held up as an example of how climate scientists everywhere are frauds,” he said. “So, I am stuck with having to be honest about it.”
Scientists and Academics are not wealthy people, so Dr. Keating putting up $10,000 of his own money is a demonstration that the science is sound. Backed up exhaustive data collection and correlation across a number of related scientific disciplines, in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies, Dr. Keating's $10,000 challenge is a big bet but a safe bet.  
Here is the link to the first challenger and Dr. Keating's response:
First $10,000 and $1000 Challenges!

Originally posted to Lefty Coaster on Sun Jun 22, 2014 at 10:58 AM PDT.

Also republished by Climate Hawks, DK GreenRoots, Climate Change SOS, and Seattle and Puget Sound Kossacks.

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