Saturday, June 28, 2014

Netherlands- Dutch News .nl

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After years of discussion, ministers have finally reached agreement on plans to allow Dutch hospitals to make a profit and pay dividends to shareholders, the Volkskrant reports on Friday.
Reports in an Italian paper that Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte is a candidate for the chairmanship of the European Council are nonsense, deputy PM Lodewijk Asscher said on Friday.
The Netherlands can deport three Congolese nationals who were witnesses to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Council of State ruled on Friday.
Exploding milk churns become an official Dutch tradition
Carbidschieten – the practice of mixing carbide and water in a milk churn with a lid and letting it explode – has become the 50th item on an official list of Dutch traditions.
Councils collect yew tree clippings for anti-cancer treatment
Some 70 local authorities in the Netherlands are to start collecting yew tree clippings to be used in chemotherapy, the AD reports on Friday.
Nudists in Delft protest at swimming costume quota
Nudists in Delft are going to court today to appeal against fines handed out by the city council last summer to people who took all their clothes of in the Delftse Hout park, according to the Volkskrant.  
Cabinet set to approve 'speak Dutch' rule for welfare claimants
The cabinet is today expected to approve social affairs ministry plans to cut welfare payments to people who do not speak Dutch, the Telegraaf reports on Friday.
The Netherlands ignores 25% of Brussels' recommendations
The Netherlands ignored 25% of the policy recommendations made by the EU in 2011 and 2012, according to research by the European parliament.
Amsterdam's luxury Amstel hotel stays in Qatar hands
A hotel group from Qatar has bought Amsterdam's luxury Amstel hotel, the Qatar Times reports.
Labour senators won't cooperate with tough line on marijuana
Labour senators are refusing to cooperate with the government's tough line on marijuana and want to sanction regulated production trials.
Over 370,000 people fined for anti-social behaviour in 2013
Last year over 370,000 people were fined for anti-social behaviour such as parking on the pavement, peeing in public and not clearing up dog mess, RTL news reports.
Illegal antibiotics found on four Dutch veal and one beef farm
Food safety inspectors have frozen the operations of four veal and one beef farm after finding traces of illegal antibiotics in animal feed.
Video: Wadden Island beaches cleared due to waterspouts
Beaches on the Wadden Sea islands of Ameland and Schiermonnikoog were cleared for a time on Thursday morning because of the presence of several offshore waterspouts.
GroenLinks MP suspended over ombudsman leaks
GroenLinks MP Linda Voortman has been suspended for one month because of speculation about her role in leaking the nominees for the job of national ombudsman.
Football continues to drive up supermarket sales
Supermarkets have booked extra sales of €29m since the start of the football World Cup in Brazil, according to market research group GfK.
Coalition supports Lelystad airport expansion despite criticism
MPs from the two coalition parties on Thursday backed the government’s decision to expand Lelystad airport, giving the plan a slim majority.
Mail order firm Neckermann bankruptcy 'well prepared', says union
The bankruptcy and relaunch of Dutch-Belgian mail order firm Neckermann within 24 hours was a put up job, Belgian union officials are claiming.
Some 9,000 savers come clean over foreign bank accounts
The deadline for notifying the tax office of illicit savings in foreign bank accounts ends on Monday and almost 9,000 people have so far registered to take advantage of the amnesty, the Financieele Dagblad reports on Thursday.
Health insurer Achmea to close, sell off fitness centres
Insurance giant Achmea is closing down or selling off its fitness centre chain blaming increasing competition and changes in keep-fit habits.
Banking salaries rise more sharply than average wages: NRC
Despite appeals for moderation, banking salaries have gone up faster than Dutch wages in general, the NRC says on Friday.
Welfare claimants should build up holiday rights, say VVD MPs
People claiming welfare benefits should build up ‘holiday rights’ before they can take off for a couple of weeks, according to MPs from the coalition VVD.
Earthquake compensation talks bogged down in dispute
Five months after economic affairs minister Henk Kamp set aside €1.2bn to compensate people in Groningen affected by earthquakes, no one has yet received any money, the Volkskrant says on Thursday.
Police use keylogger to track online abuser's computer habits
The Dutch public prosecution department used a ‘keylogger’ to register keyboard movements as part of its research into a Dutch online sex criminal suspected of blackmailing Canadian girl Amanda Todd.
Dutch hackers devise ways to take over Google Glass (update)
Dutch hackers have come up with a simple way to infiltrate and take over Google Glass, the wearable computer system with a headset that resembles an ordinary pair of glasses, according to the Volkskrant.
The Netherlands will back Juncker for president, says prime minister
The Netherlands supports the candidacy of former Luxemburg premier Jean-Claude Juncker for the presidency of the European Union, prime minister Mark Rutte said on Wednesday.
Broadcasters plan 'Anne Frank musical' for Remembrance Day
Evangelical public broadcaster EO and the Jewish broadcasting company Joodse Omroep are developing plans to stage an Amsterdam-wide performance on Rembrance Day to commemorate Anne Frank, Dutch media says on Wednesday.

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