Saturday, June 28, 2014

Myanmar News- NY Times


Vincent Thian/Associated Press
News about Myanmar, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Jun. 22, 2014
    Nicholas Kristof Op-Ed column describes trip to Myanmar with college student Nicole Sganga; says Sganga's interaction with local woman named Sajan highlights lottery of birth that resulted in vast gulf of opportunity between the two young, talented women; argues that despite host of domestic problems in America, there is still a great deal that country and individuals can do to ameliorate problems in world's most disadvantaged and troubled zones. MORE
  2. Jun. 18, 2014
    Kang Kyung-wha, senior United Nations aid official, says she has witnessed the worst human suffering she has ever seen in such places in camps for stateless Muslim group known as the Rohingya, in Myanmar; over 100,000 people have been displaced since fighting between ethnic minority insurgents and the government erupted in June 2011, ending a 17-year cease-fire. MORE
  3. Jun. 14, 2014
    Parliamentary committee votes against changing clause in Myanmar's Constitution that bars opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi from becoming president. MORE
  4. Jun. 5, 2014
    Nicholas Kristof Op-Ed column criticizes democracy advocate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and Pres Obama for their silence regarding apartheid being carried out against Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim minority; holds situation is especially lamentable given that both figures have past records of speaking out in favor of human rights; warns fate of Myanmar itself is at stake in conflict, noting the effect violence has on economy, education and fueling of ethnic hatred. MORE
  5. Jun. 1, 2014
    Nicholas Kristof Op-Ed column underscores plight of Rohingya ethnic minority in Myanmar, which is being persecuted by the government; laments inaction on part of international community; urges Pres Obama, who has hailed progress in the country as a success, to address the issue. MORE

General Information on Myanmar

Official Name: Union of Myanmar (formerly Union of Burma)
Capital: Naypyidaw (Current local time)
Government Type: Military - dominated
Chief of State: Than Shwe, chairman of State Peace and Development Council
Population: 47.37 million
Area: 421,600 square miles; slightly smaller than Texas
Languages: Burmese, minority ethnic groups have their own languages
GDP Per Capita: $1,800
Year of Independence: 1948


In the Darkness of Myanmar's Camps, Lighter Moments of Life

Adam B. Ellick, a senior video journalist at The Times who made a documentary with the columnist Nicholas Kristof about Myanmar’s oppressed Muslim minority, found a few uplifting moments.
June 25, 2014, Wednesday

Unesco Panel Taps Incan Road, Other Sites, as Worthy of Protection

The World Heritage Committee under the United Nations has designated 29 new sites as being natural or cultural wonders worthy of protection, including an ancient road that runs through the Andes.
June 23, 2014, Monday

So Similar, So Different

Two women, both 20 and talented, have lives that are miles apart. Literally and otherwise, thanks to the lottery of birth.
June 22, 2014, Sunday

Myanmar Camps Denounced

A senior United Nations aid official said Tuesday that in camps for the stateless Muslim group known as the Rohingya, in Myanmar, she witnessed the worst human suffering she had ever seen in such places.
June 18, 2014, Wednesday

Myanmar: Opposition Is Dealt a Blow

A parliamentary committee has voted against changing a clause in Myanmar’s Constitution that bars the opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, left, from becoming president.
June 14, 2014, Saturday
MORE ON MYANMAR AND: Constitutions , Myanmar , Aung San Suu Kyi

The People vs. The Monks

Never before have so many lay Buddhists in Myanmar pushed back against the monks.
June 7, 2014, Saturday

There’s a Kind of Hush

The Myanmar government has doubled down on its repression of Muslims and some scholars think it approaches genocide.
June 5, 2014, Thursday

Obama Success, or Global Shame?

On this year’s “win-a-trip” journey, one man living under an ignored apartheid sends out a message to the world: We are suffering. Will anyone respond?
June 1, 2014, Sunday

Myanmar’s Appalling Apartheid

On this year’s “win-a-trip” journey, aiming a spotlight at an injustice that some are calling a genocide.
May 29, 2014, Thursday

Nobel Laureate's Release from Prison May Hinge on His 'Regret'

Liu Xiaobo, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 and is serving an 11-year prison term for subversion, is the world’s only jailed Nobel laureate. On June 8, under Chinese law, he become eligible for parole.
May 28, 2014, Wednesday

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