Translation from English

Sunday, June 8, 2014

France- France 24


France in English: the latest news, features and video.

D-Day anniversary: Thousands pay homage to the heroes of 'The Longest Day'


Ex-soldier questioned over French Alps murders ‘commits suicide’


Video: French hostage kidnapped in Mali pleads for release


Anger as plan to redraw French map omits 'Great Brittany'


France’s Platini denies World Cup corruption allegations


France extends detention of Brussels Jewish museum shooting suspect


Hollande announces plan to redraw French map


In pictures: British D-Day heroes, 70 years on


Parallel lives: the Brussels suspect and the Toulouse shooter

    Tunis Fashion week, 6th edition
    D-Day Remembered
    D-Day Diplomacy: Will 70th Anniversary Ceremonies Reconcile Putin and the West?
    D-Day Diplomacy: Will 70th Anniversary Ceremonies Reconcile Putin and the West?
    Hollande's diplomatic balancing act
    Drugs and journalism
    Tiananmen Square, 25 Years On (part 2)
    Tiananmen Square, 25 Years On
    Hollande's House of Cards
    Assad's Election: Damascus Stages Vote Amidst Civil War
    Assad's Election: Damascus Stages Vote Amidst Civil War (part 2)
    "A parody of democracy"
    To Syria and Back: How to Stop Homegrown Jihadism? (part 2)
    Thank you, your Majesty!
    Hollande redraws the map of France
    To Syria and Back: How to Stop Homegrown Jihadism?
    France's opposition UMP party entangled in fraud scandal
    Fashion for wheelchair users
    Snowden Speaks: What Lasting Impact for NSA Leaks?
    Snowden Speaks: What Lasting Impact for NSA Leaks? (part 2)
    France: Socialists want PM Valls to run for President in 2017
Social media
Hot topics
  • France - The French president’s private life: Responding to the English press

    France - The French president’s private life: Responding to the English press

    Good point, and you could emphasise the fact that M Hollande is not married, argue that marriage is a right-wing institution and that the English Press should keep its values to itself. However lets say that the UK political establishment are afraid of France's refusal (until yesterday) to impose austerity measures, so they will find any excuse to try to undermine M. Hollande. The sad thing about his love life is what becomes of his girlfriends' careers.
    from Josephina, 142 days 4 hours 25 minutes ago
  • Middle east - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE recall envoys to Qatar

    Middle east - Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE recall envoys to Qatar

    qatar a defination of hate in the world
    from assouma, 94 days 19 hours 12 minutes ago
  • France - MP finds France ‘without hope’ after walking tour of country

    France - MP finds France ‘without hope’ after walking tour of country

    Admirable, more politicians should do something similar. I think his findings would be echoed by the same exercise in most European countries, especially in those countries whose politicians have completely destroyed life for huge amounts of people. Neither France, the UK or Germany or other northern EU countries realise the grief of the countries suffering massive unemployment and civil unrest. Politicians on their own are bad enough, politicians and the European Union are a complete and criminal disaster.
    from Ray Veysey, 176 days 17 hours 33 minutes ago
  • France24 - Live

    France24 - Live

    Great player, great news channel. It is quite annoying though that i have to relaunch the website every 15 minutes while all other websites are perfectly working on my computer.
    from Roman Moschny, 155 days 13 hours 54 minutes ago
  • Americas - Cannabis advocates eye end to prohibition as Colorado trade booms

    Americas - Cannabis advocates eye end to prohibition as Colorado trade booms

    Prohibitionists think we should lose our freedom family & fortune because of pot; and feel we should be OK with them thinking that. Prohibitionists have no heroes (witness Ted Cruz) just liars, fibbers and stupid's. Our side has thousands of heroes. Marc Emery is my favorite Prohibitionists are condescending judgementalists - every perceived personality flaw they see; is somehow related to pot. Prohibitionists are terrified at the possibility that Pot is a (performance / life) enhancing herb. They do like the falsehood that Pot dumbs peoples senses Prohibitionists will be lumped in with the temperance league (of alcohol prohibition) when it comes to smarts. Only they will be considered even stupider. The temperance league were right on a few points. Like violence and physical damage Prohibitionists are sure they know more about Cannabis than someone that has spent their whole life with the Marijuana plant. Prohibitionists especially the intelligentsia can't imagine they were lied to and have been wrong all their lives Prohibitionists talk about stupid stoners. You won't find anything dumber than a Drunk. Except maybe Marijuana Prohibitionists. Prohibitionists think that the Legalization crowd are the ones that are lying. Prohibitionists are afraid of legalization because when they don't toke up with their friends; they will know that they were talking behind their backs and were Judgmental Condescendings Prohibitionists say there are downsides to everything. "NAME THEM" I bet you can't name any. Prohibitionists switch the topic to other drugs when they don't have a leg to stand on when discussing pot. Prohibitionists think everyone that doesn't agree with them is trolling . . .
    from Doug Pederson, 133 days 2 hours 19 minutes ago
  • Europe - Pope asks forgiveness for child abuse by priests

    Europe - Pope asks forgiveness for child abuse by priests

    Jesus Christ taught that if someone realises that they have sinned against another, they must go immediately to ask for forgiveness, or the sin gets held against you when you die. Pedophiles rarely apologise, so there is no need to forgive them. Those that destroy the faith of a child have millstones around their necks, so that they fall to Hell when they die. If the Pope is to be seen to be really against pedophilia, and this is not just another publicity stunt, then he must give all Priests the infallible personality test that the US Democratic Party uses on it's perspective candidates. We have the technology to root out the weeds.
    from RedRoseAndy, 56 days 19 hours 47 minutes ago
  • Europe - EU leaders meet following eurosceptic parliamentary gains

    Europe - EU leaders meet following eurosceptic parliamentary gains

    So... to counter the political blowback from his party's relentless and decades-long and politically expedient demonstration of the EU, Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK's Conservative party has teamed up Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary's autocratic and far-right Fidesz party, to confront the inevitable surge in populist support for The EU's extremist, far-right parties. There is a degree of conservative reliability in the old saw of "fight fire, with fire", I suppose. However, I am more inclined to think that President Hollande has it about right, over his support for the "more Europe", of Jean-Claude Juncker.
    from Charles Smyth, 11 days 20 hours 58 minutes ago
  • France - Far right mayors may insist on pork in school cafeterias

    France - Far right mayors may insist on pork in school cafeterias

    Pandering to religious dogma may well be inadvisable, but amazingly enough there is wholly secular reasons why somebody may not want to eat pork: because they are VEGETARIAN (for health, ecological, or animal welfare concerns). Simple enough to offer a vegetarian option whenever ANY meat is served, and doing so assuages the concerns of MORE people than just offering an alternate meat for religious dogma reasons. (There are of course religious sects such as Buddhism which are vegetarian, which have as much value as large "mass" religions) Even meat and pork eaters very well may like to eat the vegetarian option because it is more healthy, or they prefer it to the particular preparation of pork meat that day. Eating pork is not mutually exclusive with eating vegetables after all. Designing an "alternate menu option" that can serve as large a minority as possible is the most reasonable approach to make it cost effective to do so, so expanding the relevant minority to include observant Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and Vegetarians or even Vegans reaches the broadest agglomeration of sectors. And given the health benefits of vegetarianism or certainly "eating more and more varied vegetables", it is in the interests of the state to promote ALL students to eat more vegetables, which is achieved by offering that option. It is reasonable enough to offer a "vegetarian day" with wholly vegetarian options for all students, and the following day can serve pork and have a vegetarian option that potentially makes use of "left overs" from the previous day (cooking more to the extent needed). Supporting vegetable producers also happens to support local agriculture and not in the form of industrial meat production which has serious ecological problems with waste disposal.
    from kana, 63 days 17 hours 12 minutes ago
  • France - Is a new Tea Party brewing in France?

    France - Is a new Tea Party brewing in France?

    According to M. Valls, “We are witnessing the creation of the French version of the Tea Party. By exploiting the political and leadership crisis on the right, and the National Front party’s move away from the far-right, a conservative and reactionary right has been set free.” Apparently, M. Valls is in major need of a reality check or some serious therapy. If we are indeed witnessing the creation of a French version of the Tea Party, it has less to do with exploitation of any leadership or political crises on the right, or any movement by the National Front, and more to do with the abysmal, illogical, ineffective policies of M.Valls' own government. The Socialists are obviously out of touch with reality, particularly with respect to the chaos and devastation created by their own economic and social policies, and their willful blindness to the needs and wishes of the electorate. Socialist rhetoric, such as that spouted by Valls in this instance, is no longer worth even the energy it takes to read it. Give France a sane and experienced centrist government with sound economic and social policies, a meaningful and properly enforced immigration policy, ironclad separation of church and state, and no political hacks, religious leaders or demagogues with positions higher than that of janitor, and the country will right itself and be just fine.
    from Omnibus, 124 days 14 hours 12 minutes ago
  • France - French comic Dieudonné detained for 'assault' on bailiff

    France - French comic Dieudonné detained for 'assault' on bailiff

    @TBilliam There's a difference between free speech, and the promotion of hatred -- at least, there is in a community or country based on a social contract by which ALL community members are supposed to benefit. It's particularly ironic that Dieudonné has apparently de-facto allied himself with those in the far right. Under other circumstances, these are the same forces that would be hunting him down or persecuting him because of his own ethnicity. Those who want to stay in the community must accept that their rights do not extend to the persecution of other community members based on race, religion or ethnicity. If Dieudonné wants to exert his right of free speech in the larger community, with no regard for the responsibilities and rules governing the behavior of community members, he has three choices: face sanctions, tone down his bigoted rhetoric, or leave the community. Personally, I'd be happy to see him opt for choice number three.
    from Omnibus, 134 days 16 hours 55 minutes ago
  • Sport - French council upholds Hollande’s 'millionaires' tax’

    Sport - French council upholds Hollande’s 'millionaires' tax’

    Once again, M. Hollande reveals his willingness to abandon common sense, fairness and economic principle in favor of adherence to exhausted Socialist rhetoric and populist demagoguery. The design and rate of the tax are patently absurd. Just watch: more large businesses will downsize or relocate out of France, new investment will dwindle to a trickle, unemployment will continue to rise, and entrepreneurs and capital will flee the country at increasing speed. In response, Hollande and his cohorts will put it all down to a lack of patriotism, rather than admit any culpability of their own. How sad for France, to be governed by men and women who are too blind to put aside their leftist biases for the good of the country. They lack even the intellectual acuity it would take for them to be properly embarrassed by their own repeated failures.
    from Omnibus, 160 days 11 hours 38 minutes ago
  • France - Hollande vows to create jobs in New Year's address

    France - Hollande vows to create jobs in New Year's address

    @Omnibus There isn't any mechanism, never mind key mechanisms. Small and medium sized businesses and enterprises and lots of them will be the key but M. Hollande and his charlatans are out to lunch, lost the plot and haven't a clue.
    from HAMDAOUI, 158 days 13 hours 10 minutes ago

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