Thursday, June 26, 2014

France 24


France in English: the latest news, features and video.

Unemployment in France rises to a new high


France air traffic controller strike called off


France to extradite Brussels Jewish museum shooting suspect


French doctor acquitted in 'mercy killing' trial


EU rights court blocks France from removing patient's life support


France’s National Front fails to form eurosceptic EU bloc


Why France is reluctant to act against ISIS in Iraq


Female football coach declines job at French club Clermont


UNESCO grants heritage status to prehistoric French cave

    Cameron v Brussels (part 2)
    Cameron v Brussels
    Boko Haram on a rampage (part 2)
    Boko Haram on a rampage
    Great Day for Red Tops
    France, the bad student of Europe
    Return to Iraq? Amid Calls for Unity, US Ponders Size of Operation
    Return to Iraq? Amid Calls for Unity, US Ponders Size of Operation (part 2)
    New-fashioned weddings
    Libération: Hollande and Valls are a dream team
    'Jailed, reporters pay a price for Egypt’s crackdown on dissent'
    The Backlash Against Qatar: New Emir, Same Resentment (part 2)
    The Backlash Against Qatar: New Emir, Same Resentment
    Arnaud Montebourg's Alstom-GE deal panned
    Culture strikes: French government tries to appease protesters
    Violence in Iraq takes its toll on civilians
    France hopeful before second World Cup match
    Syria's Armenians: Christians Torn Between War-Hit Home and Exile (part 2)
    Syria's Armenians: Christians Torn Between War-Hit Home and Exile
    Labo Ethnik, talents and trends from all around the word
    'Felipe VI begins his reign!'
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  • France - France air traffic controller strike called off

    France - France air traffic controller strike called off

    I would make 2 points Firstly why did the government allow it to get to this stage before agreeing to demands. Secondly French Air traffic control have been doing this on and of for about 40 years to my recollection. Its high time someone ruined their holidays. Holding European travellers to ransom. I'm sure it wont be the last time either
    from larryonlineforex, 9 hours 55 minutes ago
  • France - Why France is reluctant to act against ISIS in Iraq

    France - Why France is reluctant to act against ISIS in Iraq

    After Operations “Northwood’s” and “Gladio”…after 09.11.2001. (NYC)… I’m very CAREFUL to made conclusion: who is doing what in the world. Do NOT forget that Osama Bin Laden was “ treated in American Hospital in Dubai ( July 04-14. 2001.) for kidney disease and MET with CIA operatives who return to Langley on July 15. 2001.”( info from Mike Ruppert, LAPD-God bless his soul)? Unfortunately, TOO LATE I’ve got information that Pr. Obama worked for CIA?! After Snowden, Syria bombing , probable LESS likely nuclear deal with Iran and situation in Ukraine, I hope that Pr. Obama did NOT forget that INTERNATIONAL relationship are still about “WHO can do WHAT to WHOM“!
    from milanzm, 11 hours 20 minutes ago
  • France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    We travel to France almost every year, have some but limited French, have traveled throughout France and have never had any problems. I find people have been friendly, especially in places where Americans do not usually travel and less English is spoken. In fact we have wanted to speak French only to have the French want to practice their English.
    from xxxaaaxxx, 13 hours 40 minutes ago
  • France - Injustices take backseat as Qatar's emir visits Paris

    France - Injustices take backseat as Qatar's emir visits Paris

    I work in Qatar. Personally I spoke with a lot of 'pious' Muslims here. majority says Qatar should not host worldcup since it will bring-in a lot of illicit things to Qatar - such as liquor, gays, lesbians, isreali's , prostitution,.. and some says according to some hadeeth , its haram to look at a man's thighs which obviously you will be seeing while watching football. So theoretically Football is haram...So its shouldn't be here is their opinion. When I read the recent news of Nigerian attack on football spectators... Its indeed a reason to worry... yes a high risk on the Terrorist attack....
    from Anon_Qatar, 17 hours 57 minutes ago
  • Africa - Egypt sentences Al-Jazeera journalists to seven years in prison

    Africa - Egypt sentences Al-Jazeera journalists to seven years in prison

    they deserve it , cause they broadcast false news
    from assouma, 3 days 13 hours 8 minutes ago
  • France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    Just have spent 2 weeks in Paris, and at least more than 30 times before during the past 15 years. Never felt anything but being friendly welcomed in every café , nigh bar, restaurant, bar, shop etc. As long as one says: good day, please, thank you, acting politely and with respect, the same will be returned.
    from Spectateur, 2 days 19 hours 27 minutes ago
  • France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    Just returned from Paris last week. We only spent 3 days there but would love to have spent 3 months. Everyone we encountered were friendly and engaging, despite our inability to speak the language. I felt that as long as we were respectful and good mannered we received the same.
    from Perthuis in USA, 3 days 19 hours 54 minutes ago
  • France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    As an addition to our other post below, my wife reminded me to emphasize that we laid-out a small tour plan, and a rule to use our basic French (even with Parisians that spoke a little or good English), always dined in genuine French cafés, bought only authentic French-made products if available (since we could always buy cheaply made imports in NYC), mostly shopped in stores beyond the tourist areas. took casual walks beyond tourist sites, saw as much of Le Louvre that our eyes and feet could handle, and always maintained a sense of wanting to enjoy the culture and vibe of Paris more like a Parisian than an American. As for the lack of manners, etiquette, body language, pedestrian skills, and respect for personal space of fellow tourists, they may have experienced a mild or stronger French disgust for their behavior. We totally understand what many Parisians may be thinking, especially when similar ill-mannered hordes arrive in New York City. Fortunately, my wife and I always stick to our main rule when traveling: speak to and treat others the way you expect to be treated — very basic. Attitude perceptions and communication matter.
    from Harlemites Fourever, 3 days 20 hours 10 minutes ago
  • France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    My wife and I returned from Paris 3 days ago as part of our first series of week-long trips to France. We fully disagree with this article from A to Z. Every Parisians we engaged made us feel comfortable, were helpful with our basic French speaking skills, and generally made us feel welcomed. Quite honestly, as visitors from a bustling Harlem-New York City, the urban vibe of Paris felt familiar on several levels — just with a French accent and Paris swagger. Most important, we never arrived and toured Paris with our heads filled with stereotypes or self-serving delusions about French people and their culture. Understanding that Parisians may be a little different and cosmopolitan than those outside of Paris, we just went with the flow. Over 99% of encounters in stores and the Metro reminded us of a French version of many New Yorkers. The only exception is that Parisians expressed a unpretentious, direct, more friendly and relatable attitude that never felt like a turn-off or a "Gallic snarl." We only encountered discomfort with other tourists — mainly Asians and some other ethnic tourists who seem to have left good manners, dining etiquette, and respect for personal space at the airport. We always used our main travel rule: speak to and treat others the way you expect to be treated — very basic. Attitude perceptions, cultural presumptions, and even body language speak volumes. Moreover, learn at least basic French because you're in FRANCE among FRENCH people. Our usual experience is that language shows that you respect where you are and the people you visit. Having basic cultural knowledge helps. Any rock head can get on a plane to travel. The real test is if your experiences and communication with people are mutually appreciated and positively memorable for all.
    from Harlemites Fourever, 3 days 20 hours 11 minutes ago
  • France - Why France is reluctant to act against ISIS in Iraq

    France - Why France is reluctant to act against ISIS in Iraq

    If France wants to take on the problem of Syria, no one is stopping France for taking on the problem of Syria. So it is hard to argue that France is seeking an opportunity for payback, because the US was no more enthusiastic to fight France's wars, than France was to fight the US' war, in Iraq , in 2003. As for Iraq 2014: It would seem that France and the US are on the same page, with regard to not fighting Iran''s wars, for Iran.
    from Charles Smyth, 3 days 20 hours 12 minutes ago
  • France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    France - France begs its citizens to lighten up with tourists

    The Gallic snarl. The Berliner Schnauze. :-)
    from Charles Smyth, 4 days 19 hours 18 minutes ago
  • Debate - Syria's Armenians: Christians Torn Between War-Hit Home and Exile

    Debate - Syria's Armenians: Christians Torn Between War-Hit Home and Exile

    thank u for the interview. as an Syrian Armenian i should say, we are Syrians as much as Armenians. i just want to re sure that through last decades we save our language as an Armenian (speaking and writhing), we have almost 15 Armenian schools in Aleppo. so i will disagree with you concerning that (majority of us speak Arabic) as u mentioned in ur interview. Many thanks to ''France 24'' channel.
    from hvkrjalian, 4 days 19 hours 18 minutes ago

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