Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Der Spiegel Online

The New Face of Terror: ISIS' Rise Pushes Iraq to Brink

The New Face of Terror: ISIS' Rise Pushes Iraq to Brink Photos
The jihadist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is relatively new on the scene, but its secretive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has quickly transformed it into one of the most feared terrorist groups around. It threatens to completely transform the Middle East. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Russian Riddle EU Can't Agree on a Natural Gas Strategy

Russian Riddle: EU Can't Agree on a Natural Gas Strategy
European leaders agree that the Ukraine crisis has made natural gas supplies from Russia precarious. Yet they are divided over what to do about it. Poland wants a new European energy union, but others seem to be in no hurry. By Frank Dohmen and Christoph Pauly more... Comment ]

Queen's Quandary Chancellor Merkel's Power Erodes in Europe

Queen's Quandary: Chancellor Merkel's Power Erodes in Europe
For years, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was the strongest politician in the European Union. Lately, her hold on power has become weaker -- and one of the greatest challenges is coming from within her own government. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Financial Scandal Organizational Change Has Led to Chaos in Greenpeace

Financial Scandal: Organizational Change Has Led to Chaos in Greenpeace
Last week, news emerged that a Greenpeace employee had lost millions in donor money through ill-conceived currency deals. Now the environmentalists are in danger of losing their biggest asset: their credibility. By Michaela Schiessl more... Comment ]

Ukraine Cossacks Thought To Be Behind Observer Kidnappings

Ukraine: Cossacks Thought To Be Behind Observer Kidnappings
Western diplomats believe that leading Cossacks could be behind the abduction of two teams of OSCE observers in eastern Ukraine, SPIEGEL has learned. A leading Cossack in the Russian parliament could have the power to free them. more... Comment ]

Mayday Berlin's Ill-Fated Airport Faces Insolvency

Mayday: Berlin's Ill-Fated Airport Faces Insolvency
After countless delays, technical problems and cost overruns, the German capital's troubled new airport faces another obstacle: It is running out of money. With the current CEO refusing to give detailed plans, it seems likely taxpayers will have to foot the bill. By Christoph Pauly and Andreas Wassermann more... Comment ]

Gaza in Crisis The Strong Female Voice of Hamas

Gaza in Crisis: The Strong Female Voice of Hamas
Isra al-Mudallal is the outspoken, strong-willed new spokesperson for the Hamas government in Gaza. Her goal is to become a role model for young girls -- but first she has to overcome the region's conservative traditions. By Julia Amalia Heyer more... Comment ]

Commission Crusade Cameron Outmaneuvered in Battle over Juncker

Commission Crusade: Cameron Outmaneuvered in Battle over Juncker
British Prime Minister David Cameron is determined not to let Jean-Claude Juncker become president of the European Commission. But he is increasingly isolated. He might face his Waterloo as early as next week. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Spending Spree Anger with Greek Shipowners on the Rise

Spending Spree: Anger with Greek Shipowners on the Rise
The Greek economy continues to suffer, but the country's shipowners are spending as though there were no crisis. Once popular, Greece's shipping companies are now widely reviled. By Manfred Ertel more... Comment ]

Spying Together Germany's Deep Cooperation with the NSA

Spying Together: Germany's Deep Cooperation with the NSA
Cooperation between Germany's foreign intelligence service, the BND, and America's NSA is deeper than previously believed. German agents appear to have crossed into constitutionally questionable territory. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

NSA in Germany Why We Are Posting Secret Documents

NSA in Germany: Why We Are Posting Secret Documents
Documents leaked by Edward Snowden show that Germany is home to the NSA's most important activities on the Continent. It's time the German public knew what they are -- and about their own government's involvement. A DER SPIEGEL Editorial more... Comment ]

The NSA in Germany Snowden's Documents Available for Download

The NSA in Germany: Snowden's Documents Available for Download
In Edward Snowden's archive on NSA spying activities around the world, there are numerous documents pertaining to the agency's operations in Germany and its cooperation with German agencies. SPIEGEL is publishing 53 of them, available as PDF files. more...

Interview with Ex-Stasi Agent 'The Scope of NSA Surveillance Surprised Me'

Interview with Ex-Stasi Agent: 'The Scope of NSA Surveillance Surprised Me'
During the Cold War, West Germany's foreign intelligence service cooperated closely with the NSA. Klaus Eichner, an agent with the East German Stasi, monitored it at the time, and now he tells SPIEGEL what he knew about the collaboration. Interview Conducted by Michael Sontheimer and Andy Müller-Maguhn more... Comment ]

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