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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Der Spiegel Online

Russian Riddle: EU Can't Agree on a Natural Gas Strategy

Russian Riddle: EU Can't Agree on a Natural Gas Strategy
European leaders agree that the Ukraine crisis has made natural gas supplies from Russia precarious. Yet they are divided over what to do about it. Poland wants a new European energy union, but others seem to be in no hurry. By Frank Dohmen and Christoph Pauly more... Comment ]
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European Partners

Ukraine Cossacks Thought To Be Behind Observer Kidnappings

Ukraine: Cossacks Thought To Be Behind Observer Kidnappings
Western diplomats believe that leading Cossacks could be behind the abduction of two teams of OSCE observers in eastern Ukraine, SPIEGEL has learned. A leading Cossack in the Russian parliament could have the power to free them. more... Comment ]

Spending Spree Anger with Greek Shipowners on the Rise

Spending Spree: Anger with Greek Shipowners on the Rise
The Greek economy continues to suffer, but the country's shipowners are spending as though there were no crisis. Once popular, Greece's shipping companies are now widely reviled. By Manfred Ertel more... Comment ]

Commission Crusade Cameron Outmaneuvered in Battle over Juncker

Commission Crusade: Cameron Outmaneuvered in Battle over Juncker
British Prime Minister David Cameron is determined not to let Jean-Claude Juncker become president of the European Commission. But he is increasingly isolated. He might face his Waterloo as early as next week. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Trouble for Merkel Berlin Divided in Spat over EU Commmission

Trouble for Merkel: Berlin Divided in Spat over EU Commmission
The appointment of the next leaders of the EU Commission has divided Europe, raising the specter that Britain could leave the bloc. London is an important ally to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and it is likely she will seek to broker a deal. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

Opinion Europe's Juncker Bond

Opinion: Europe's Juncker Bond
Jean-Claude Juncker vehemently criticized German-imposed austerity measures during the euro crisis. By doing so, he gained support in a number of countries -- especially those which would like to see the common currency zone degraded into a debt union. By Jan Fleischhauer more... Comment ]

Cameron's Empty Threat Britain Risks Losing an Ally in EU Feud

Cameron's Empty Threat: Britain Risks Losing an Ally in EU Feud
It appears David Cameron's strategy has backfired. His campaign to derail Jean-Claude Juncker's appointment as the next EU Commission president is failing and the British prime minister may soon suffer a loss of face. Angela Merkel is his only possible savior. By Carsten Volkery in London more... Comment ]

'A European War' The Fight for Ukraine's East Gets Bloodier

'A European War': The Fight for Ukraine's East Gets Bloodier
Fighters from Russia's Caucasus region have joined the separatists in eastern Ukraine, while Kiev has intensified its efforts to win back control of the region. Just 10 days after the presidential election there, the conflict is quickly turning into a war. By Florian Gathmann and Christian Neef more... Comment ]

Interview with Marine Le Pen 'I Don't Want this European Soviet Union'

Interview with Marine Le Pen: 'I Don't Want this European Soviet Union'
In a SPIEGEL interview, French right-wing populist Marine Le Pen discusses the European election victory by her Front National, German dominance in the EU and her admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Interview Conducted By Mathieu von Rohr more... Comment ]

Ex-Premier Blair 'British Understand the Folly of Leaving the EU'

Ex-Premier Blair: 'British Understand the Folly of Leaving the EU'
Not much has been heard from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair lately. But in recent days, he has waded into the debate surrounding the next EU Commission president. In an interview, he also predicts that the British will vote to stay in the European Union. By Carsten Volkery in London more... Comment ]

Decision Time Britain Must Choose Now If It Will Stay in Europe

Decision Time: Britain Must Choose Now If It Will Stay in Europe
For years Britain has blackmailed and made a fool out of the EU. The United Kingdom must finally make a choice: It can play by the rules or it can leave the European Union. A DER SPIEGEL Editorial more... Comment ]

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