Thursday, June 26, 2014

Der Spiegel Online

Interview with Alex Pentland: Can We Use Big Data to Make Society Better?

Interview with Alex Pentland: Can We Use Big Data to Make Society Better?
In a SPIEGEL interview, American data scientist Alex Pentland discusses how data streams can be used to determine the laws of human interaction. He argues the information can be used to help forge better societies. more... Comment ]
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European Partners

The 'White Angel' Maidan Heroine Considers Future in Politics

The 'White Angel': Maidan Heroine Considers Future in Politics
Ukrainian physician Olga Bogomolets became a hero on Independance Square in Kiev by providing medical care to injured protesters. She has become a force in the country and has the potential to parlay her experiences into a promising political career. By Marc Hujer more... Comment ]

Bach to the Future Fans Want to Rebuild Composer's House

Bach to the Future: Fans Want to Rebuild Composer's House
In the city of Goethe and Schiller, classical music fans want another famous former resident to be honored in Weimar. They're seeking to rebuild the home of Johann Sebastian Bach, who composed some of his most important works in the city. By Karoline Kuhla more... Comment ]

The Unrelenting Ai Weiwei Show Evokes Danger and Urgency of Art

The Unrelenting Ai Weiwei: Show Evokes Danger and Urgency of Art
A major exhibition opens in Berlin this week of the work of Ai Weiwei, China's most famous artist. Events like this are the very thing that protect him against further repression at home. The show is packed with moving works that are critical of the regime. By Ulrike Knöfel more... Comment ]

The Digital Paradox How Copyright Laws Keep E-Books Locked Up

The Digital Paradox: How Copyright Laws Keep E-Books Locked Up
Many publishing houses don't allow their products to be lent out by digital libraries for fear of piracy. Articles and books by researchers are also affected. Readers are the ones who have to pay the price. By Hilmar Schmundt more... Comment ]

Digital Dairy Robotic Milk Production Takes Over

Digital Dairy: Robotic Milk Production Takes Over
Smaller dairy farms in Germany are rapidly disappearing, and with EU quotas on milk production set to expire next year, the process is likely to accelerate. The only way to survive is to turn cows into machines and keep them away from the meadow. By Jonathan Stock and Takis Würger more... Comment ]

Mad King Ludwig? Study Claims Bavarian Monarch Was Sane

Mad King Ludwig? Study Claims Bavarian Monarch Was Sane
People have long believed that Bavarian King Ludwig II, the man responsible for building the famous castle of Neuschwanstein, was mentally ill. Indeed, he was dethroned for that very reason. But a recent study casts doubt on that diagnosis. By Frank Thadeusz more... Comment ]

Max Mosley Google Is So 'Arrogant They Do Whatever They Like'

Max Mosley: Google Is So 'Arrogant They Do Whatever They Like'
In an interview, former racing boss Max Mosley discusses his successful legal battle against Google to filter out compromising sex photos, the fight for Internet privacy in the era of NSA spying and his endless quest for justice. Interview By Susanne Amann and Isabell Hülsen more... Comment ]

Berlin Blunder Google Maps Brings Back 'Adolf Hitler Square'

Berlin Blunder: Google Maps Brings Back 'Adolf Hitler Square'
Online mapping service Google Maps temporarily mislabeled a square in central Berlin with its former Nazi-era name: Adolf Hitler Square. Google couldn't explain the error when contacted by reporters but said they were looking into the matter. more... Comment ]

Corporate Wake-Up Call German Dads Demand Family Time

Corporate Wake-Up Call: German Dads Demand Family Time
Family friendly policies in German business have been targeted at women in the past, but the tables are turning. Men are demanding more flexible working conditions in order to balance work and family burdens, forcing big changes in corporate culture. By Susanne Amann and Simone Salden more... Comment ]

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