Monday, June 30, 2014

CNN Tech News


If you want to drive on Mars, you are going to need a very large sand pit to prepare.

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Film offers portrait of the 'Internet's Own Boy' updated 3 days ago

Aaron Swartz, who committed suicide facing federal hacking charges, is subject of "The Internet's Own Boy" documentary.

Super choppers confront California's weird wildfire season updated 3 days ago

A Los Angeles County flying firefighter reveals the battle tactics behind the Firehawk super chopper, as California braces for wildfires.

NASA's deep-space craft readying for launch updated 3 days ago

Orion, NASA's newest manned spaceship, is readying for its first mission in December.

Mobile apps transforming the future of parking updated 4 days ago

A new wave of mobile apps are simplifying the parking process by letting drivers rent spaces from their phones.

Futuristic drive: Step inside a 3D printed car updated 4 days ago

Italian designer Michele Anoe has won the 3D Printed Car Design Challenge with his Strati concept.

What will Aereo's TV watchers do now? updated 5 days ago

Aereo, the Web startup that captured shows from broadcast airwaves, is essentially dead after a Supreme Court ruling Wednesday.

Preserving 120 years of U.S. cultural history updated 5 days ago

When the Library of Congress comes to mind, most of us don't think of movies, TV shows or old-school vinyl.

Happy anniversary! On Mars, Curiosity rover has done a lot in a long year updated 6 days ago

A year is a very long time on Mars -- 687 days. NASA's Curiosity rover can attest that it's plenty enough time for some unexpected life changes.

Report: Bigger iPhones coming this fall updated 6 days ago

iPhone screens are about to get a lot bigger, if a new report is to be believed.

Google wants to sell domain names updated 6 days ago

Google already is a major player in search, online mapping, social networking and other key functions of the Web. Now it wants to sell domain names, too., Mensa create dating site for geniuses updated 6 days ago

It takes a special person to join Mensa.

'Bionic eye' lets blind man 'see' again updated 6 days ago

An eye implant is restoring vision in blind people. But what do they see?

Lighting on the wall: World's most spectacular video projections updated 6 days ago

Sydney Opera house dressed in snakeskin? Projection mapping makes any part of the environment a living canvas.

Hackers show how to protect your iPhone updated 7 days ago

Here's one way to make your iPhone hacker-proof: Ask hackers for advice.

World Cup becoming biggest social-media event ever updated 7 days ago

World Cup 2014 on Facebook and Twitter is the most popular social-media event ever.

Apparently This Matters: My Kids Suck updated 7 days ago

There are two good reasons to own a giant trampoline.

Cheating death through 'suspended animation' updated 7 days ago

Doctors are cooling trauma patients' bodies to ward off the potential damage caused by loss of blood and oxygen.

5 things we'd like to see from the Apple smartwatch updated 10 days ago

Rumored for years, the long-awaited smartwatch from Apple may finally become reality in a few months.

Sonar sticks use ultrasound to guide blind people updated 10 days ago

High-tech walking canes use ultrasound to let blind people know about their surroundings.

T-Mobile wants to give you an iPhone updated 11 days ago

You can only keep them for a week. But T-Mobile is handing out free iPhones, along with a trial run of its service, in its latest unorthodox promotion.

#WhenFacebookWasDown: Widespread outage reported updated 11 days ago

Those early birds who start their day with a visit to Facebook were met Thursday morning with a rare error message: The social media giant appeared to be down.

New Amazon phone makes it easy to buy stuff ... from Amazon updated 11 days ago

An Amazon Fire phone feature, Firefly, identifies QR codes, bar codes and other ways to shop in Amazon's online store.

New Facebook app forces you to trade messages updated 12 days ago

As expected, Facebook has launched Slingshot, a Snapchat-like mobile app that lets users trade ephemeral video- and photo-based messages.

Social media battle augments Iraq bloodshed updated 12 days ago

As we're seeing with ISIS in Iraq, bullets and bombs in the digital age often are augmented by tweets.

What Clinton says, Clinton memes updated 13 days ago

The Internet has taken advantage of every opportunity to turn Hillary Clinton's words and actions into memes.

Virtual reality: The next frontier in gaming updated 13 days ago

Makers of virtual-reality headsets such as Oculus Rift say that games, not consoles, will drive the VR experience.

Can Amazon help 3-D finally catch on? updated 13 days ago

Despite a long history of 3-D entertainment failures, Amazon is rumored to be unveiling a 3-D phone.

Share your feelings! How emotion maps will transform your daily journey updated 14 days ago

We're often told that sharing our feelings could save us from emotional breakdowns -- perhaps talking it out could also shield us from the traveling blues too.

Shrimp-based invention new step in plastic updated 14 days ago

Harvard researchers combined material from shrimp shells and silk at nano level. Result: strong form of plastic.

Navy's stealth destroyer designed for the video gamer generation updated 15 days ago

The super high-tech operations center aboard the Navy's new stealth destroyer was designed for the video-game generation.

Apparently This Matters: Service dog has his day in school yearbook updated 17 days ago

A service dog named Taxi has been honored with a class picture in a San Antonio middle-school yearbook.

Solar storms! Full moon! Must be Friday the 13th updated 17 days ago

Friday the 13th is bringing a full moon and solar storms that could disrupt Earth's atmosphere.

World Cup survival glass tells you when to stop drinking updated 17 days ago

"Survival cup" Vessyl can tell what you're drinking, and display selected nutritional information such as alcohol content on the side of your cup.

Inside Virgin Galactic's newest passenger spaceship updated 17 days ago

Virgin Galactic allowed CNN unprecedented access to its spacecraft at a secretive facility in the high desert north of Los Angeles.

Vanishing spray makes World Cup debut updated 18 days ago

Now you see it, now you don't. That's the logic behind the vanishing spray being used at this year's World Cup in Brazil.

What an Enterprise! NASA physicist, artist unveil warp-speed craft design updated 18 days ago

Thanks to a NASA physicist, the idea of "warp-speed" might just travel out of sci-fi and into the real world.

E3 2014: The top 9 games to watch updated 18 days ago

The top video games from E3 2014, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, include "Destiny," "Assassin's Creed: Unity" and "Super Smash Bros."

New technology aims to rid World Cup of 'ghost goals' updated 19 days ago

In 1966, British soccer legend Geoff Hurst booted a right-foot shot against Germany in the World Cup championship game. The ball struck the top crossbar and rifled down near the goal line before spinning out.

10 gadget gifts for Father's Day updated 19 days ago

Here are 10 gadget-gift suggestions for tech-savvy dads, from phone chargers to fitness bands.

NASA: Space Station crew never in danger during smoke incident updated 19 days ago

The crew of the International Space Station was not in danger while a small amount of smoke came from a vent Tuesday in a service module, NASA said

Airbus electric aircraft takes to the skies updated 19 days ago

The Airbus E-Fan is quiet, and it doesn't belch emissions into the sky.

NASA cameras capture huge solar flares updated 20 days ago

NASA cameras captured images Tuesday of what the agency is calling at least two "significant" solar flares.

Sony presses console lead with exclusives, extras updated 20 days ago

Sony looked to capitalize on its early sales lead in the console wars at its Electronic Entertainment Expo media briefing on Monday, repeating the mantras of "first," "better" and "only on" as selling points for its PlayStation 4.

At E3, all games, no Kinect for Microsoft updated 21 days ago

At Microsoft's E3 presentation, it was all about games like "Halo 5: Guardians," with no talk of the Kinect.

Facebook pressed to return money from ads promoting Syrian president updated 21 days ago

Facebook is facing pressure to return money it accepted to run ads promoting its page for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's presidential campaign.

'Smart' football helmet may help detect concussions updated 21 days ago

"Smart" football helmet can send alerts to the sidelines when a player sustains a hard hit to help detect concussions.

Apparently This Matters: Vincent van Gogh's 3-D printed ear updated 22 days ago

CNN humor columnist Jarrett Bellini looks at a 3D printed re-growth of Vincent van Gogh's legendary severed ear.

Meet Pepper, the emotional robot updated 24 days ago

Pepper, a humanoid robot from Japan's Softbank, can read your emotions.

The CIA sends its first tweet (or not) updated 24 days ago

They're late to the party, but the spooks at the CIA have finally joined Twitter. And -- who knew? -- they have a sense of humor.

At E3 2014, the games are the thing updated 24 days ago

E3 2014 promises new games for Playstation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo's Wii U as well as PC gaming innovations.

Ghoulish stabbing raises question: Who is Slenderman? updated 25 days ago

Who is the "Slenderman" character that allegedly inspired 12-year-old girls to stab a classmate near Milwaukee?

Can 'Mario Kart 8' save the Wii U? updated 25 days ago

Nintendo hopes strong early sales of "Mario Kart 8" will help spur sales of the floundering Wii U gaming console.

Bitcoin ATMs coming to the U.S. updated 25 days ago

Bitcoin, the emerging if still somewhat mysterious digital currency, may be coming soon to a high-tech ATM near you.

Hollywood to feds: Let us use drones updated 26 days ago

It's almost entirely illegal to use drones for money-making purposes in the United States. But a little Hollywood magic could change that.

One month under the sea with a Cousteau updated 26 days ago

Could we one day live underwater? Ask Fabien Cousteau -- a month from now.

Apparently This Matters: Weed Fairy leaves free pot updated 26 days ago

CNN humor columnist Jarrett Bellini profiles the self-proclaimed Weed Fairy who shares free marijuana.

Big changes coming to iPhone messaging updated 27 days ago

It didn't get a ton of attention Monday, but Apple's next mobile operating system means big changes for how iPhone users send and receive messages.

Eight key features of iOS 8 updated 28 days ago

Apple previewed iOS 8, the newest version of its mobile operating system, on Monday.

Tool can plug gunshot wounds in seconds updated 28 days ago

XStat, a technology company's idea for plugging wounds, was inspired by seeing sponges at Williams-Sonoma.

Report: Amazon adding music streaming to Prime updated 31 days ago

Amazon Prime may get music streaming similar to Pandora and Spotify, Buzzfeed reports.

Snapchat CEO 'mortified' by leaked e-mails updated 32 days ago

Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel is apologizing after filthy e-mails he wrote several years ago in college were leaked.

Facebook is cutting back on spammy auto-posts updated 32 days ago

For the second time in just over a week, Facebook has done an about-face on a feature that has bothered some users for a while.

How to crowdsource your wedding photos updated 32 days ago

A batch of new apps will collect your wedding guests' photos in one place where you can enjoy them.

Bone conduction: Get used to the voices in your head updated 32 days ago

Long established as the premier portal for sound, your ears are facing increased competition from emerging techniques for transmission through your skeleton.

Discover the solar-powered helicopter that flies itself updated 32 days ago

Forget crammed buses and delayed trains -- fly to work in your personal helicopter.

At Harvard, swarming robots that mimic termites updated 32 days ago

Harvard researchers create a group of "swarm robots" that could be used for dangerous construction jobs.

Skype to break language barriers with translator tool updated 33 days ago

Skype Translator, from Microsoft, is a tool that will translate languages from people using the video call app.

Google's new self-driving car has no steering wheel or brake updated 33 days ago

Google has unveiled its first prototype of a self-driving car that has no gas pedal, brake or steering wheel.

Stealing from nature: Incredible new tech inspired by biology updated 33 days ago

When the body comes under attack by flu, dendritic cells rush to the site of infection and identify the alien forms attacking it. Millions raise the alarm and the immune system is fired into action.

Hackers locking iPhones, demanding ransoms updated 34 days ago

A large number of people are reporting they have come under an unexplained attack that holds their iPhones and iPads hostage and demands they pay a $100 ransom.

Tech exec fired for comments about California killer updated 34 days ago

Rap Genius co-founder Mahbod Moghadam fired after comments on California shooter Elliot Rodger's manifesto.

Robot cops rule! Humanoids take over streets of Kinshasa to tackle traffic chaos updated 35 days ago

Two talking robots have been installed in the DRC capital Kinshasa to help regulate traffic.

Report: Apple to unveil 'smart home' system updated 35 days ago

Apple is planning to introduce a smart home concept at its upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference, according to a report.

Police embracing tech that predicts crimes updated 35 days ago

For something that predicts the future, the software is deceptively simple looking.

Data surveillance centers: Crime fighters or 'spy machines?' updated 35 days ago

City of Tomorrow: Oakland, California, officials proposed a central surveillance facility to monitor for terrorism. Many residents opposed it.

How oceans can solve our freshwater crisis updated 35 days ago

By 2025, two-thirds of the population will suffer water shortages, the U.N. says. San Diego is getting ready.

Hey Internet, where's my talking city? updated 35 days ago

Unfulfilled promises of super-wired smart cities have sparked a dubious backlash, say experts.

Forget Godzilla: Facebook rolls out its own dinosaur updated 38 days ago

It's been a big week for dinosaurs. With "Godzilla" still rampaging at the box office, Facebook on Thursday rolled out some privacy changes.

Apparently This Matters: Mice actually like the wheel updated 38 days ago

CNN humor columnist Jarrett Bellini looks at a new study proving mice really do enjoy running on a wheel.

Would you live in a house made of sand and bacteria? It's a surprisingly good idea updated 38 days ago

Peter Trimble, a design student at the University of Edinburgh, invented 'Dupe', a living alternative to concrete.

The smog-guzzling buildings fighting deadly pollution updated 38 days ago

Pollution kills millions. These high-tech solutions could save lives.

Apple acknowledges iMessage problems updated 39 days ago

Apple is acknowledging problems and rolling out bug fixes to make Apple-to-Android messaging less of a nightmare.

Facebook privacy now defaults to friends only updated 39 days ago

Facebook privacy just got a little more private. Privacy settings will default to "Friends" for new users.

How to shoot amazing video from drones updated 39 days ago

"It is the closest thing to flying like a bird," said Ostermann, a drone photography hobbyist. Here's how you can make breathtaking aerial videos too.

New app helps you find lookalike for Fido updated 39 days ago

New app PetMatch aims to help you find a lookalike for your departed or dream pet by using photo-matching software to find the closest match in your area.

Astronaut tells kid, 'You'd love it' up here updated 39 days ago

CNN held its first iReport interview from outer space with astronaut Steve Swanson of NASA.

Study: Google leapfrogs Apple as world's most valuable brand updated 39 days ago

Well, guess that argument's settled for now. Google is a more valuable brand than Apple.

Facebook adds new way to tag updates about music, TV updated 40 days ago

Facebook is rolling out an audio-recognition feature that lets you automatically tag music or TV shows in posts.

Facebook wants to know if you're dating anyone updated 40 days ago

The "Ask" button for Facebook's relationship status lets users check on, or flirt, with friends.

App lets you customize sneakers with Instagram pics updated 40 days ago

In case your social feeds aren't enough of a platform, you can now take a selfie and print it -- on your sneakers.

5 things you didn't know about Cisco's Warrior updated 41 days ago

Could Padmasree Warrior be the next chief of Cisco Systems?

Why Google may be buying Twitch updated 42 days ago

Google owned YouTube is on the verge of buying game-streaming website Twitch.

40 years later, 'Dungeons & Dragons' still inspiring gamers updated 42 days ago

As "Dungeons & Dragons" turns 40, its fantasy world is still inspiring gamers.

A father-son chat leads to first-of-its-kind NASA spacecraft updated 43 days ago

A simple father-and-son chat led to Morpheus, a lower-cost NASA prototype spacecraft for landing on other planets.

Mars hopefuls ponder life without families, favorite foods updated 44 days ago

If your romantic partner pointed you to an application for a one-way trip to Mars, would you be upset -- or thrilled?

Apparently This Matters: World's oldest sperm is huge updated 45 days ago

CNN humor columnist Jarrett Bellini looks at the world's oldest sperm.

Hyperlocal apps help residents fight crime updated 45 days ago

Neighborhood watch groups are adding smartphones and social networking to crime-fighting arsenal.

Meet Mr. Robin, grandma's robot buddy updated 45 days ago

Robot carers are helping elderly people, watching their health and keeping them company.

Teen breaks record for fastest text updated 46 days ago

A 16-year-old from Brazil can dash off a complicated, text message in the time most of us can thumb "Where R U?" And Guinness World Records has noticed.

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