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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Der Spiegel Online

Snowden's Lawyer: 'Mutually Agreed Solution with US Would Be Most Sensible'

Snowden's Lawyer: 'Mutually Agreed Solution with US Would Be Most Sensible'
Is it still possible that whistleblower Edward Snowden will testify in Berlin? His German attorney Wolfgang Kaleck, 53, says it is. In an interview with SPIEGEL, he also discusses negotiations over Snowden's possible return to the US. Interview Conducted by Hubert Gude and Jörg Schindler more... Comment ]

German Finance Minister Schäuble 'Europe Needs More Self-Confidence'

German Finance Minister Schäuble: 'Europe Needs More Self-Confidence'
What does Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst have to do with the Ukraine conflict? More than you might think, explains German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble in a SPIEGEL interview. It demonstrates the EU's greatest strengths. Interview Conducted By Nikolaus Blome and Ralf Neukirch more... Comment ]

A Real National Front The French Far Right Aims High

A Real National Front: The French Far Right Aims High
After its triumph in European elections on Sunday, the French far-right Front National is hoping to increase its power back home, with Marine Le Pen aiming for the presidency in 2017. With François Hollande's popularity plummeting, it is not out of the question. By Stefan Simons in Paris more... Comment ]

Lurching Right UKIP Win Creates Pressure for Cameron and Europe

Lurching Right: UKIP Win Creates Pressure for Cameron and Europe
With its clear election victory in Britain on Sunday, anti-EU UKIP and its leader Nigel Farage scored a historic triumph. The win could soon spell trouble for British Prime Minister David Cameron and his partners across the European Union. By Carsten Volkery in London more... Comment ]

Opinion A Victory for European Democracy

Opinion: A Victory for European Democracy
Although voter turnout was down in many places and right-wing populists scored significant gains, this weekend's European Parliament election was historically important. It has shifted the balance of power in Europe in favor of voters. By Nikolaus Blome more... Comment ]

Interview with Alex Pentland Can We Use Big Data to Make Society Better?

Interview with Alex Pentland: Can We Use Big Data to Make Society Better?
In a SPIEGEL interview, American data scientist Alex Pentland discusses how data streams can be used to determine the laws of human interaction. He argues the information can be used to help forge better societies. more... Comment ]

Europe's New Status Quo 'Ukraine Is Fighting Our Battle'

Europe's New Status Quo: 'Ukraine Is Fighting Our Battle'
The crisis in Ukraine has ended Europe's long period of stability -- but what does that mean for its future? SPIEGEL speaks with three experts about Putin's plans for the region and why the EU needs to step up in order to survive. By Tobias Rapp and Gerhard Spörl more... Comment ]

A Continent in Motion What Conchita Wurst Tells Us About EU Identity

A Continent in Motion: What Conchita Wurst Tells Us About EU Identity
Europe has struggled for decades to forge a common identity -- and now the Continent's response to Putin, its battle against Google and the victory of drag queen Conchita Wurst at the Eurovision Song Contest all suggest that shared values are finally emerging. An Essay By Georg Diez more... Comment ]

A Heated Debate Are Climate Scientists Being Forced to Toe the Line?

A Heated Debate: Are Climate Scientists Being Forced to Toe the Line?
After joining a controversial lobby group critical of climate change, meteorologist Lennart Bengtsson claims he was shunned by colleagues, leading him to quit. Some scientists complain pressure to conform to consensus opinion has become a serious hindrance in the field. By Axel Bojanowski more... Comment ]

Essay We Ought To Be EU-Skeptic

Essay: We Ought To Be EU-Skeptic
In the run-up to the European election, we ought to be more skeptical of the EU. The union's fundamental design flaws could lead to its disintegration. An essay by former German President Roman Herzog. By Roman Herzog more... Comment ]
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A Symbol of Ukraine

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