Translation from English

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Venezuelan Talks- Guardian

Venezuela invites Vatican's secretary of state to witness protest talks

President Nicolás Maduro's government asks Cardinal Pietro Parolin to be 'witness in good faith' to talks on ending conflict
Nicolas Maduro
Nicolás Maduro’s government asked Pietro Parolin, a former envoy to Venezuela, to mediate the dialogue with opposition representatives. Photograph: AVN/Rex
Venezuela has formally invited the Vatican's secretary of state to be a "witness in good faith" to talks on ending two months of deadly anti-government protests there.

In a letter on Wednesday, President Nicolás Maduro's government asked Cardinal Pietro Parolin, a former envoy to Venezuela, to mediate the dialogue with opposition representatives.

Administration officials and members of the opposition had agreed the night before to the talks, which are tentatively set to begin on Thursday under the oversight of Unasur, a regional South American grouping, and the Vatican.

The letter said: "We want to convey the invitation of President Nicolás Maduro to His Holiness, Pope Francis, for the Vatican official, Pietro Parolin, to act in the talks as a witness in good faith."
Among the conditions set by the two sides for the talks was the presence of witnesses, including Parolin, a publicity-shy career diplomat.

The government and Democratic Unity coalition held a preliminary meeting on Tuesday, agreeing to start a formal dialogue over problems ranging from crime and economic problems to the detention of dozens of protesters.

Hardline demonstrators, however, are not happy about the talks, saying there should be no dialogue while protest leader Leopoldo López and others remain in prison.

"We don't believe in a 'dialogue' which the regime is planning to be a political show … Our organisation will not endorse any dialogue with the regime while repression, imprisonment and persecution of our people continues," said López's party, Popular Will.

Protesters took to the streets in early February, with some openly wanting to provoke a "Venezuelan spring" that would force Maduro out of power. Since then, there have been daily clashes as security forces and pro-government militants have faced off with hooded opposition demonstrators blocking streets.

With the armed forces apparently still behind him, and the opposition failing to bring out the millions they had hoped for, Maduro's position does not appear to be under threat.

He does, however, face a considerable challenge to remedy some roots of the crisis, including the highest inflation in the Americas, shortages of basic products, a beleaguered private sector, and violent crime rates that are among the world's worst.

Hundreds of people have been injured and arrested since the protests started. The dead, who number 39 according to the government, include Maduro supporters, opponents and members of the security force.

Maduro, a former bus driver, has made preserving predecessor Hugo Chávez's socialist legacy the guiding principle of his government. But opponents say he is wrecking Venezuela by sticking to a failed and authoritarian model.

The South American regional bloc Unasur is brokering the talks.

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