Translation from English

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Poetry in Translation- Poem by Corsino Fortes


Every evening, sunset crooks
             its thumb across the island
And from the sunset to the thumb
             there grows
             a path of dead stone
And this peninsula
                         Still drinks
All the blood of your wandering body
From a tenant farmer’s cup

But when your voice
            becomes a chord on the shore’s guitar
And the earth of the face and the face of the earth
             Extend the palm of the hand
From the seaward edge of the island
                           A palm made of bread
You will merge your final hunger
             with your first

From above there will come
The faces and prows of not-voyage
             So that herbal and mercury
Extract the crosses from your body

The screaming of mothers carries you
To the seventh corner
             where the island is shipwrecked
             where the island celebrates
Your daughter pain
The pain of a woman in childbirth

So that all parting is power in death
      all return a child’s learning to spell

No longer do we wait for the cycle
             Pulp from good fruit, fruit from good pulp
             The earth
                         breathes in
                                     your green speech

And there before your feet
                                              should be
                                                                a tree on a hill

And your hand
                         should sing
                                       a new moon in my heart

Go and plant
             in dead Amilcar’s mouth
This fistful of watercress
And spread from goal to goal
             a fresh phonetics
And with the commas of the street
         and syllables from door to door
You will sweep away before the night
The roads that go
            as far as the night-schools
For all departure means a growing alphabet
        for all return is a nation’s language

They await you
             the dogs and the piglets
             at Chota’s house
             grown thin from the warmth of the welcome

They await you
             the cups and semantics of taverns

They await you
             the beasts
             choking on applause and sugarcane

They await you
             faces that explode
             on the blood of ants
             new pastorals to cultivate

             when your body
                         of blood and lignite, on heat

             Over the harvest
Your pain
And your orgasm
             Who didn’t know
             Who doesn’t know
That all of parting is power in death
And all return is a child learning to spell
The literal translation of this poem was made by Daniel Hahn
The final translated version of the poem is by Sean O'Brien


by Corsino Fortes
Todas as tardes o poente dobra
            o teu polegar sobre a ilha
E do poente ao polegar
            um progresso de pedra morta
Que a Península
                          Ainda bebe
Pela taça da colónia
Todo o sangue do teu corpo peregrino

Mas quando a tua voz
            for onda no violão da praia
E a terra do rosto E o rosto da terra
             Estender-te a palma da mão
Da oral maritima di ilha
                       De pão & pão feita
Ajunturás a última fome
            à tua fome primeira

Do alto virão
             Assim erva assim mercuro
Arrancar-te as cruzes do corpo

O grito das mães leva-te
À sétima esquina
             onde a ilha naufraga
             onde a ilha festaja
A sua dor de filha
E a tua dor de parturiente
Que toda a partida É potência na morte
         todo o regresso É infância que soletra
Já não esperamos o metabolismo
             Polme de boa fruta fruta de boa polpa
A terra
                         teu falo verde

E antes que teu pé
                                     árvore na colina

E tua mão
                       lua nova em meu ventre

Vai E planta
             na boca d’Amílcar morto
Este punhado de agrião
E solver golo a golo
             uma fonética de frescura
E com as vírgulas da rua
    com as sílabas de porta em porta
Varrerás antes da noite
Os caminhos que vão
             até às escolas nocturnas
Que toda a partida é alfabeto que nasce
         todo o regresso é nação que soletra

             os cães e os leitões
             da casa de Chota
             que no quintal emagrecem de morabeza

             os copos E a semântica das tabernas

             as alimárias
             amordaçadas de aplauso e cana-de-açúcar

             os rostos que explodem
             no sangue das formigas
             novos campos de pastorícia

             quando o teu corpo
                          sangue & lenhite de puro cio

                Sobre a seara
A tua dor
E o teu orgasmo
             Quem não soube
             Quem não sabe
Que toda a partida É potência na morte
E todo o regresso É infância que soletra
The literal translation of this poem was made by Daniel Hahn
The final translated version of the poem is by Sean O'Brien

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