Tuesday, April 29, 2014

NYC Housing Scheme- WNYC

Countdown to de Blasio's Big Housing Reveal

Plan for 200,000 Affordable Units in 10 Years

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

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Mayor Bill de Blasio promised to create or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing in the next decade. This Thursday he's expected to reveal how he plans to accomplish that goal as he's expected to unveil his official plan that day.
While officials are keeping mum, sources tell WNYC to expect these seven items to be a part of the proposal:
1. Rules that would require developers to build a higher percentage of affordable units along with market rate apartments.
2. Changes to city and state tax incentive programs like the 421A and J-51 that would perhaps require developers who use these programs to create more affordable housing in exchange.
3. A program to aggressively renovate or rehabilitate affordable units that already exist. Sources say fully half of the 200,000 goal will come from preserving these units.
4. Changes in zoning codes that might include changes in how development rights or air rights are sold, possibly allowing the rights to be transferred across boroughs.
5. Increased allocations for affordable housing in the city's capital budget.
6. Stepped up requirements for maintenance of rent regulated apartments.
7. A more integrative approach to supportive housing and homeless services.
The plan is expected to be released Thursday.


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