Translation from English

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Old Student Design Projects-- and Earth Day

Back when I was just learning how to use Photoshop, I had occasion to do some graphics for Earth Day and environmental are three of them
I can remember the very first Earth Day. I was a student then, too, and really thought we could change the world. Little did I realize that all the pollution I had seen in my travels was getting worse all the time and how powerful the interests were that wanted that to continue, and increase incredibly in fact... ( One of the things I knew at that time that fewer people did was how much toxic waste was just sitting around in drums in basements of warehouses in New Jersey, for instance. Another disaster waiting to happen. We knew the Hudson was a sewer ( at about that time some kids in Harlem went swimming in the Hudson and became violently ill. It was in the papers and eventually people like Pete Seeger got involved in efforts to clean up the Hudson etc. --"Green freaks" people called us then. Now we know more than ever how bad the situation with Climate Change is but it will take real repeated catastrophes before anyone really does anything.


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