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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Long Time Letter Delivery- Huffington Post

Woman Receives Letters After 45 Years


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Better late than never.

A New York woman has finally received three letters mailed from loved ones. The letters just arrived 45 years late.

Susan Heifetz of Brooklyn received a call last week from the current tenant of an apartment she was once shared with her family. The man told Heifetz that a letter, dated June 26, 1969, had recently arrived for her, the Brooklyn Paper reports.

"I said 'tell me what else is on the envelope,' at which point she said to me 'on the back is a lipstick mark,' and at that point I started to cry," Heifetz told CBS New York. "This was my mother's thing at the time -- to always seal it with a kiss."

The letter turned out to be a birthday card from Heifetz's mother, who has since passed away.
But that's not all Heifetz received in the "snail mail." Days later, another letter mailed in 1969, written by a former boyfriend who was serving in Vietnam, arrived in the mailbox of Heifetz's former home. There was also an additional birthday card from her brother, Barry, that the Brooklyn woman's local post office intercepted.

The U.S. Post Office doesn't have an answer for why it took so long for the letters to arrive, but it's not the first time a note has arrived in the mail after decades. Last year, a postcard mailed in 1967 reached its final destination in Oklahoma 46 years later.
Despite the 45-year delay, it seems Heifetz is just happy to have the letter
s in her hands.
"I've been crying since Wednesday," she told the New York Daily News this week. "I'm flipping out.

This is not normal to get three cards from 1969."

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