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Sunday, April 27, 2014 Hindu Poetry

Old 21 May 2008, 11:44 PM
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saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !saidevo is surely an avatara !
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Hindu Poetry

Sri Aurobindo
Nirvana (1933-1934)

All is abolished but the mute Alone.
The mind from thought released, the heart from grief,
Grow inexistent now beyond belief;
There is no I, no Nature, known-unknown.
The city, a shadow picture without tone,
Floats, quivers unreal; forms without relief
Flow, a cinema's vacant shapes; like a reef
Foundering in shoreless gulfs the world is done.

Only the illimitable Permanent
Is here. A Peace stupendous, featureless, still.
Replaces all, - what once was I, in It
A silent unnamed emptiness content
Either to fade in the Unknowable
Or thrill with the luminous seas of the Infinite.



Thou who pervadest all the worlds below,
Yet sitst above,
Master of all who work and rule and know,
Servant of Love!

Thou who disdainest not the worm to be
Nor even the clod,
Therefore we know by that humility
That thou art God.


Life and Death

Life, death, - death, life; the words have led for ages
Our thought and consciousness and firmly seemed
Two opposites; but now long-hidden pages
Are opened, liberating truths undreamed.
Life only is, or death is life disguised, -
Life a short death until by Life we are surprised

To Weep Because

To weep because a glorious sun has set
Which the next morn shall gild the east again;
To mourn that mighty strengths must yield to fate
Which by that force a double strength attain;
To shrink from pain without whose friendly strife
Joy could not be, to make a terror of death
Who smiling beckons us to farther life,
And is a bridge for the persistent breath;
Despair and anguish and the tragic grief
Of dry set eyes, or such disastrous tears
As rend the heart, though meant for its relief,
And all man's ghastly company of fears
Are born of folly that believes the span
Of life the limit of immortal man.


Quotes from 'Savitri'

The human in him
Paced with the Divine.


Our life
Is a holocaust
Of the Supreme.


None can reach heaven
Who has not
Passed through hell.


Our human state
Cradles the future god.


In absolute silence
Sleeps an absolute Power.


The life you lead
Conceals the light you are.


One man's perfection
Still can save the world.

He who would save the world
Must share its pain.

I shall save earth,
If earth consents
To be saved.


He Who Chooses The Infinite Has Been Chosen by the Infinite.


All our earth starts from mud and ends in sky.


The soul that can
Live alone with itself
Meets God.


To know is best,
However hard to bear.

Ramana Maharshi
From Sat Darshan

As in a well of water deep,
Dive deep with Reason cleaving sharp.
With speech, mind and breath restrained,
Exploring thus mayest thou discover
The real source of ego-self.
The mind through calm in deep plunge enquiries.
That alone is real quest for the Self.

--(trans. Kapali Sastry)


There Is Nothing new To Get

There is nothing new to get.
You have on the other hand,
to get rid of your ignorance,
which makes you think you are other than Bliss.
For whom is this ignorance?
It is to the ego.
Trace the source of the ego.
Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over.
It is eternal You are That, here and now...
This is the master key for solving all doubts.
The doubts arise in the mind.
The mind is born of the ego.
The ego rises from the Self.
Search the source of the ego
and the Self is revealed.
That alone remains.
The universe is only expanded Self.
It is not different from the Self...

Ramakrishna Paramahansa
Quotes from Ramakrishna

"God is in all men, but all men are not in God; that is why we suffer."

"Do you know what I see? I see Him as all. Men and other creatures appear to me only as hollow forms, moving their heads and hands and feet, but within is the Lord Himself."

From The Gospel of Ramakrishna
Come on Mind - Ramprasad Sen

Come on, Mind, let’s go steal-
You and I together-
All Shiva owns- Mother’s feet,
If we can carry them off.

But if they catch us
In that watchful house,
That would be the end of the body.
They’d tie us up in Kailasa.

Don’t forget your guru’s advice
If we get in; we’ll wound Shiva
With an arrow of devotion,
Then grab those feet and run.

Swami Vivekananda
A Benediction

The mother's heart, the hero's will,
The sweetness of the southern breeze,
The sacred charm and strength that dwell
On Aryan altars, flaming, free;
All these be yours, and many more
No ancient soul could dream before--
Be thou to India's future son
The mistress, servant, friend in one.


I look behind and after
And find that all is right,
In my deepest sorrows
There is a soul of light.

Other Poets
Cradle Song - Sarojini Naidu

From groves of spice,
O'er fields of rice,
Athwart the lotus-stream,
I bring for you,
Aglint with dew,
A little lovely dream.

Sweet, shut your eyes,
The wild fire-flies
Dance through the fairy neem;
From the poppy-bole
For you I stole
A little lovely dream.

Dear eyes, good night,
In golden light
The stars around you gleam;
On you I Press
With soft caress
A little lovely dream.


Aspects of God - Sri Anandamayi Ma

"God is without form, without quality as well as with form and quality.
Watch and see with what endless variety of beautiful forms
He plays the play of his maya with Himself alone.
The lila of the all pervading One goes on and on in this way in infinite diversity.
He is without beginning and without end.
He is the whole and also the part.
The whole and part together make up real Perfection."


O Lord, are you in the maya - (Kanakadasa 1509-1609)

O Lord, are you in the maya,
Or, the maya is in you.?
Are you in the body,
Or is the body in you?

Is the view in space,
Or the space is in the seen?
Or do both be in the eye?
Is the eye in buddhi,
Or the buddhi in the eye?
O! Hari! Do both exist in thee?

Is the sweetness in sugar,
Or sugar in sweetness?
Or are they together in the tongue?
Is the tongue in buddhi,
Or the buddhi in the tongue?
O Hari! Do both exist in thee?

Is the flower in fragrance,
Or the fragrance in the flower?
Together are they in the smell?
O Aadikeshava of Kaginele
Of incomparable prowess!
These are beyond my grasp!
Isn't all in thee?


Look To this Day - Kalidasa (c.380-c.415)

Look to this day:
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of your existence.
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendour of achievement
Are but experiences of time.

For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision;
And today well-lived, makes
Yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day;
Such is the salutation to the ever-new dawn!

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