Sunday, April 27, 2014

Germany- Der Spiegel Online

Investigating Surveillance: German Parliament Divided over Snowden Subpoena

Investigating Surveillance: German Parliament Divided over Snowden Subpoena
Berlin has insisted it wants to scrutinize NSA spying in Germany. But actually inviting Edward Snowden to testify before a paraliamentary investigation is proving delicate. Some in Chancellor Merkel's party are now casting doubt on Snowden's suitability as a witness. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

From Burger Flipper to Bürgermeister? Immigrant Could Become Next Berlin Mayor

From Burger Flipper to Bürgermeister? Immigrant Could Become Next Berlin Mayor
With Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit facing his political Waterloo, all eyes have turned to Raed Saleh, who could become the first mayor of a major German city with foreign roots. The German capital's changing demographics could help him. By Frank Hornig more... Comment ]

German Minister 'US Operating Without any Kind of Boundaries'

German Minister: 'US Operating Without any Kind of Boundaries'
In an interview, German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, 60, warns that American spying has become "boundless" and expresses sorrow that approval ratings for the United States have plummeted in Germany. Interview Conducted By Jörg Schindler, Alfred Weinzierl and Peter Müller more... Comment ]

'I Will Tear His Head Off' How the Italian Mafia Is Infiltrating Germany

'I Will Tear His Head Off': How the Italian Mafia Is Infiltrating Germany
A trial currently underway in Cologne showcases the extent of the Italian Mob's infiltration of German society and the construction business. Critics claim authorities have been far too lax in cracking down on Mafia activity. By Jörg Diehl more... Comment ]

Searching for Deterrence Ukraine Crisis Exposes Gaps Between Berlin and NATO

Searching for Deterrence: Ukraine Crisis Exposes Gaps Between Berlin and NATO
Once the Cold War ended, Western militaries reduced their focus on military deterrence in Europe. As a consequence, the Ukraine crisis has caught NATO flat-footed as it rushes to find an adequate response to Russia. Germany has been reluctant to go along. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

The Sympathy Problem Is Germany a Country of Russia Apologists?

The Sympathy Problem: Is Germany a Country of Russia Apologists?
Should the West chart a course of confrontation with Russia following Moscow's annexation of Crimea? Many prominent Germans aren't so sure. Sympathy for Russia is alive and well in the country. By Ralf Neukirch more... Comment ]

Fighting Words Schäuble Says Putin's Crimea Plans Reminiscent of Hitler

Fighting Words: Schäuble Says Putin's Crimea Plans Reminiscent of Hitler
He's not the first to do it, but he's a big enough player that it could worsen tensions. On Monday, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said he saw parallels between Vladimir Putin's annexation of Crimea and Adolf Hitler's land grab of Sudetenland. By Christian Reiermann more... Comment ]

'A' for Angela GCHQ and NSA Targeted Private German Companies and Merkel

'A' for Angela: GCHQ and NSA Targeted Private German Companies and Merkel
Documents show that Britain's GCHQ intelligence service infiltrated German Internet firms and America's NSA obtained a court order to spy on Germany and collected information about the chancellor in a special database. Is it time for the country to open a formal espionage investigation? By Laura Poitras, Marcel Rosenbach and Holger Stark more... Comment ]

Beggars, Inc. Romanians Duped into Panhandling in Germany

Beggars, Inc.: Romanians Duped into Panhandling in Germany
A Romanian family in Hamburg has made a business out of luring compatriots to Germany and promising them jobs and better lives. Instead, they are coerced under highly dubious circumstances into becoming beggars for the "employer". By Katrin Kuntz more... Comment ]

Dancing with the Bear Merkel Seeks a Hardline on Putin

Dancing with the Bear: Merkel Seeks a Hardline on Putin
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has spent many years trying to understand Russian President Vladimir Putin. But even she didn't expect him to annex Crimea. Now, she and her European counterparts are struggling to come up with a response. By SPIEGEL Staff more... Comment ]

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