Tuesday, April 29, 2014

From TechNewsWorld

Monday - April 28, 2014
Cybersquatting is a seedy practice that's as old as dot-com, but the upcoming expansion of domain names could be breathing new life into the practice, while offering seamier elements on the Net an invitation for mischief. In the early days of the Internet, nimble squatters would register domain names of brands, then sell them back to the owners for tidy sums. Rules eventually were adopted to squash squatters, but with as many as 1,300 new top-level domains appearing on the Internet in the next three years, squatting may be in vogue once again. [More...]

Monday - April 28, 2014
Last week, Microsoft delivered its quarterly report, and it was a big deal. It was CEO Satya Nadella's first real quarter and the Nokia merger was completed. This is just the beginning of the Microsoft makeover, but two things indicate that in the end, Ballmer finally did what was right for Microsoft in prepping the company for Nadella -- and that Nadella was the right choice to lead the firm. [More...]

Monday - April 28, 2014
"Love is blind," as the old saying goes, and that can be just as true when the object of love is a thing -- an operating system, say -- as a person. Case in point? Linux. Fans of the operating system love it, perhaps even to the point where they can no longer see its -- gasp! -- imperfections. Fortunately, the Linux community includes some clear-eyed observers and thinkers. [More...]

Friday - April 25, 2014
Space fans the world over long have dreamed of exploring the universe for themselves, but a new, 12-module kit from NASA and littleBits aims to give enthusiasts a way to bring the thrill of space exploration closer to home. The new littleBits Space Kit, launched on Thursday, includes an assortment of electronic modules and NASA-designed projects and activities. [More...]

Saturday - April 26, 2014
The Web has been abuzz with discussion of the HeartBleed flaw. Security vendors and experts have been falling all over themselves to offer advice on detecting or mitigating the flaw, and consultants have been offering businesses advice on how to deal with the problem. The NSA has been accused of having known about -- and exploited -- the vulnerability. [More...]

Friday - April 25, 2014
True, market-changing, life-changing innovation comes from three key elements: passion, patience and pressure. Apple is the poster child for this view of innovation. Especially now. Especially when Apple is simply selling millions of profitable iPhones and MacBooks and iPads, quarter after quarter -- after quarter -- with few truly "new" products to show off. [More...]

Friday - April 25, 2014
The French government is considering a ban on GPS-enabled apps that allow would-be passengers to track down nearby drivers. The issue is being fueled by irked taxi unions that increasingly are frustrated with -- and helpless against -- ride-sharing apps. Thus has the government drafted recommendations that include banning services that display maps showing available cars. [More...]

Thursday - April 24, 2014
Facebook on Thursday announced FB Newswire, a site aggregating content from posts users put up on their pages that it will offer as a resource to journalists. The content will be curated by Irish firm Storyful, which News Corp., at the heart of a cellphone hacking scandal in the UK, purchased in December. Journalists and media organizations "have become an integral part of Facebook." [More...]

Thursday - April 24, 2014
A new Ubuntu Linux desktop line -- Ubuntu 14.04, known as "Trusty Tahr" -- lacks much in the way of new features or eye-popping special effects. You will find, however, a fresh batch of improvements in what is already a solid distro family of desktop and server implementations. Canonical continues its record of consistency with its latest version of Ubuntu, released this month. [More...]

Thursday - April 24, 2014
We are constantly moving. From a morning meeting to a lunch date to an afternoon conference call, we are always on the go and so are our technology devices. They are with us every step of the way, acting as our personal assistants, communicators and life-savers. We are shifting from using static, desktop devices to portable devices in order to accommodate our lightspeed lifestyle. [More...]

Thursday - April 24, 2014
Google has launched a new feature on Street View that enables users to browse through images dating back as far as 2007, as well as images from different seasons and at night. Street View users have long pined for the ability to look at shots from the past, according to Google Maps Street View Director of Engineering Luc Vincent. How neighborhoods used to look. That sort of thing. [More...]

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