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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

CNN Tech News

updated 3 hours, 14 minutes ago

Dropbox to organize photos with new Carousel app

The boom in high-quality digital cameras in smartphones and tablets has also created an overwhelming glut of digital images scattered across devices and services. FULL STORY
By Heather Kelly, CNN Filed under: Mobile
updated 5 hours, 31 minutes ago

Comcast grilled in Senate over merger plans

Comcast says its pending merger with Time Warner Cable will benefit consumers, but some senators aren't so sure. FULL STORY
James O'Toole Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 7 hours, 51 minutes ago

Heartbleed bug: What you need to know

Security researchers have uncovered a fatal flaw in a key safety feature for surfing the Web -- the one that keeps your email, banking, shopping, passwords and communications private. FULL STORY
Jose Pagliery Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 7 hours, 51 minutes ago

Forget wearable tech, embeddable implants are already here

Smartphone mapping features are great for getting directions, until you lose signal. But you could avoid getting lost in the woods with a guiding system embedded in your body. FULL STORY
By Keiron Monks, for CNN Filed under: Innovation
updated 8 hours, 33 minutes ago

Warren Buffett endorses Airbnb

Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor who famously steers clear of many technology investments, has his eye on Airbnb. But not as an investment. FULL STORY
Poppy Harlow Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 12 hours, 48 minutes ago

Meet Silicon Valley's 28-year old whiz kid

One of Sam Altman's fondest moments as a tech entrepreneur is the day he met Steve Jobs. FULL STORY
Laurie Segall Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 13 hours, 49 minutes ago

Bitcoin players knock on Washington doors

Bitcoin is knocking on Washington's doors. FULL STORY
Jennifer Liberto Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 1 day ago

Uber gets into delivery game with Rush

Online delivery services have a checkered history at best. But Uber, the app-oriented car service, is giving it another go. FULL STORY
Doug Gross
By Doug Gross, CNN Filed under: Mobile
updated 1 day ago

Comcast takes merger case to Washington

Comcast and Time Warner Cable want to join forces. But first, they've got to win over Washington. FULL STORY
James O'Toole Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 1 day ago

Holder: Bitcoin raises law enforcement concerns

Attorney General Eric Holder told lawmakers that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies pose a challenge for law enforcement agencies, because they can be used to "conceal illegal activity." FULL STORY
Evan Perez Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 1 day ago

The universe is expanding, but how quickly?

You can't see it happening on Earth, but space itself is stretching. Ever since the Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago, the universe has been getting bigger. FULL STORY
By Elizabeth Landau, CNN Filed under: Innovation
updated 1 day ago

Philly buildings become giant 'Tetris' game

The city lights of Philadelphia took on a whole new hue this weekend as two skyscrapers in the City of Brotherly Love became a 29-story video game. FULL STORY
By Larry Frum, Special to CNN Filed under: Gaming & Gadgets
updated 1 day ago

Microsoft drops Windows XP support

Microsoft ended support of Windows XP on Tuesday, leaving the many still clinging to the outdated software exposed to cyberattacks. FULL STORY
Jose Pagliery Filed under: Tech Biz
updated 2 days ago

Feds accuse of scraping Facebook, cheating users

Every now and then, being a jerk on the Internet can result in some unwanted attention. FULL STORY
Doug Gross
By Doug Gross, CNN Filed under: Web
updated 2 days ago

Charge your cell phone in 30 seconds

Managing battery power can be the most frustrating part of owning a smartphone. Phone batteries typically last less than a day, and charging them back up can take a full hour. FULL STORY
Samuel Burke Filed under: Tech Biz
What if the U.S. had only two time zones? Should all public transportation be automated for safety? And maybe it IS time to reinvent the wheel. Meet 10 bold ideas that could shape our future. FULL STORY
A soccer ball that creates energy when you kick it. A robot that responds to natural disasters. An electronic tooth "tattoo" that fights disease. Meet 10 futuristic inventions with potential to shape, and save, lives. FULL STORY

Doug Gross

Oculus Rift demo wows SXSW
Fans lined up for a "Game of Thrones" experience using Oculus Rift, a virtual-reality headset that's captured the imaginations of gamers since its $2.4 million debut on Kickstarter. FULL STORY

Heather Kelly

Can Apple help make hearing aids cool?
Now phone calls, FaceTime chats, music, movies, turn-by-turn navigation or other audio can be streamed directly to a small earpiece. FULL STORY

Jarrett Bellini

Apparently This Matters: Six Californias
Some people want to figure out just what the hell to do with our nation's weirdo West Coast uber-state. I say we give it a funny hat. FULL STORY

Brandon Griggs

Kevin Bacon on 'Six Degrees' game: 'I was horrified'
Two decades ago, a parlor game called "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" became an unlikely grass-roots phenomenon among movie buffs and foretold today's online social web. But Bacon hated it. FULL STORY

Larry Frum

What's ahead for video gaming
The movers and shakers of the video gaming industry are focusing on where the next 12 months will take us. FULL STORY

Meet the future of driving

Meet the future of driving External airbags. Laser headlights. Cars that park themselves. Here are 10 innovations that are transforming the driving experience. FULL STORY
Wired | Mar 20, 2014

The Germans have figured how to 3-D print cars

The assembly line isn't going away, but 3-D printing is going to reshape how we make cars. One German automaker points the way with an beautifully crafted frame inspired by a turtle's skeleton. FULL STORY
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