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Friday, April 11, 2014



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Robotic Pocket Printer sits in the palm of your hand

Why limit yourself by feeding paper into a printer, if you can just drop the printer on the paper instead? A new Kickstarter campaign seeks funds for a little robot that prints 1 page per minute.

Game-changing $5 chemistry set inspired by music box

A Stanford researcher reinvents the chemistry set completely in the form of an inexpensive gizmo modeled after a hand-crank music box.

Hot spots for future manned space missions: Humanity's bucket list

Beyond our own moon and some nearby asteroids, where else in our solar system should humanity set foot? Crave's Eric Mack has compiled a list of 10 places we should go next, in search of secret oceans and stunningly violent volcanoes.

Solar Impulse 2 set to circle the globe (pictures)

The second-generation solar plane has been redesigned and rebuilt with smarter, lighter, and more efficient materials. Now, the aircraft is ready tackle a flight of global proportions.

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10 spots in our solar system worth visiting in person (pictures)

The moon? Been there, done that. So what's next? Sure, there's Mars, but what else is on humanity's bucket list when it comes to nearby planetary destinations?

NASA aims tubes at astronaut's eyes

Does this just-released image from NASA document the first cybernaut or is it something far more sinister (or way more innocuous)? The simplest problems can have complicated solutions in space.

Woman wins competition, clones her dog

A British woman passionately needs her 12-year-old dachshund, Winnie, to be copied. So she wins a competition and a Korean company clones Winnie for free.
Payerne, Switzerland: Solar Impulse 2, the single seater solar airplane with which Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg will attempt in 2015 the first round-the-world solar flight.

Solar Impulse 2 aims for round-the-world flight

The aircraft's lengthy wings are outfitted with 17,000 solar cells that will power it during a trip around the world next year.

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US Air Force takes a look through Google Glass

The military is testing the wearable’s use for combat situations, as well as building apps that could help soldiers on the battlefield.
Cousteau's undersea living expedition, Mission 31, is similar to one his grandfather undertook in 1963, but this one will go deeper and one day longer.

Fabien Cousteau to plunge into undersea adventure June 1

Jacques Cousteau’s grandson will lead a team of aquanauts on a 31-day mission to live and work at the world’s only undersea lab. And you can watch it all unfold in real time.

How into a game are you? This Xbox controller knows

A 3D-printed module attached to an Xbox 360 controller lets it evaluate your emotions and may one day make for games that are more interactive than ever.
Curiosity saw both Earth and the moon at this point.

Mysterious light in Mars image sparks curiosity

UFO enthusiasts are excited about a strange blip of light in a photo from Mars, but the real explanation is likely much less exotic than alien life.
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Volvo have been responsible for some of the greatest advancements in car safety. We list off the top ways they've kept you safe today, even if you don't drive one.

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