Translation from English

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Born/Died Today. Celebs with Pithy Quotes.

"When you fool a fool you strike a blow for intelligence."
(04/02/1725 – 04/06/1798)
Italian writer (died near his birthday)

Hans Christian Andersen "Written by a mad poet. One goes crazy oneself if reading this book." Hans Christian Andersen
(04/02/1805 – 08/04/1875)
Danish writer , on Ibsen's "Peer Gynt"

Emile Zola "Perfection is such a nuisance that I often regret having cured myself of using tobacco." Emile Zola
(04/02/1840 – 09/28/1902)
French writer

Nicholas Murray Butler "America is the best half-educated country in the world." Nicholas Murray Butler
(04/02/1862 – 12/07/1947)
US educator

Richard Cobden "I believe it has been said that one copy of "The Times" contains more useful information than the whole of the historical works of Thucydides." Richard Cobden
(06/03/1804 – 04/02/1865)
English politician

"But I'm not so think as you drunk I am." Sir J(ohn). C(ollings). Squire
(04/02/1882 – 12/20/1958)
English journalist

"Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other." Kurt Herbert Adler
(04/02/1905 – 02/09/1988)
Austrian opera director

Christian Rudolph Ebsen, Jr. "If brains were lard, Jethro couldn't grease a pan." Buddy Ebsen
(04/02/1908 – 07/06/2003)
US dancer, actor

Alec Guinness "My contribution to film has always been negligible." Sir Alec Guinness
(04/02/1919 – 08/05/2000)
English actor

Serge Gainsbourg "Ugliness is in a way superior to beauty because it lasts." Serge Gainsbourg
(04/02/1928 – 03/02/1991)
French singer

"The more revolutions occur, the less things change." Georgie Anne Geyer
(04/02/1935 – )
US columnist

Marvin Gaye "Detroit turned out to be heaven, but it also turned out to be hell." Marvin Gaye
(04/02/1939 – 04/01/1984)
US singer, songwriter (died near his birthday)

Emmylou Harris "Mediocrity is gonna kill the world before Armageddon ever does." Emmylou Harris
(04/02/1947 – )
US singer, songwriter

Camille Paglia "Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist." Camille Paglia
(04/02/1947 – )
US writer

"People think we make $3 million and $4 million a year. They don't realize that most of us only make $500,000.00." Pete Incaviglia
(04/02/1964 – )
US baseball player

"There are three roads to ruin; women, gambling, and technicians. The most pleasant is with women, the quickest is with gambling, but the surest is with technicians." Georges Pompidou
(07/05/1911 – 04/02/1974)
French President

Karol Joseph Wojtyla "The truth is not always the same as the majority decision." Pope John Paul II
(05/18/1920 – 04/02/2005)
Polish religious leader

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