Translation from English

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Born/Died Today- Famous People with Quotes-

"The Buddhas do but tell the way; it is for you to swelter at the task." Gautama Buddha
(04/08/0563 – ?/0483)
Indian spiritual leader

Wilhelm von Humboldt "The government is best which makes itself unnecessary." Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt
(06/22/1767 – 04/08/1835)
German philosopher

"Large parties given to very young children . . . foster the passions of vanity and envy, and produce a love of dress and display which is very repulsive in the character of a child." Susanna Strickland Moodie
(12/06/1803 – 04/08/1885)
English-Canadian pioneer, writer

Gladys Louise Smith "I was forced to live far beyond my years when just a child, now I have reversed the order and I intend to remain young indefinitely." Mary Pickford
(04/08/1893 – 05/29/1979)
US actor (was married to Douglas Fairbanks)

Isadore Hochberg "'For what we are about to receive,
Oh Lord 'tis Thee we thank,'
said the cannibal as he cut a slice
off the missionary's shank."
E. Y. Harburg
(04/08/1896 – 03/05/1981)
US songwriter

"My dear fellow, buggers can't be choosers." Sir Cecil Maurice Bowra
(04/08/1898 – 07/04/1971)
China-born English writer , on his marriage to a 'plain' girl

Ilka Chase Actress: "I enjoyed your book. Who wrote it for you?" Ilka Chase: "I'm so glad you liked it. Who read it to you?"
(04/08/1905 – 02/15/1978)
US actor

Sonja Henie "Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles." Sonja Henie
(04/08/1912 – 10/12/1969)
Norwegian skater, actress

Elizabeth Ann Bloomer Ford "My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?" Betty Ford
(04/08/1918 – 07/08/2011)
US First Lady (39) (was married to Gerald Ford; see other US First Ladies)

Barbara Kingsolver "Come to think of it, just about every tool was shaped like either a weenie or a pistol, depending on your point of view." Barbara Kingsolver
(04/08/1955 – )
US writer

"The triumph of sugar over diabetes." George Jean Nathan
(02/14/1882 – 04/08/1958)
US writer , on James M. Barrie

Julian Lennon "He was like a real dad, you know. We used to sit down with guitars and mess around." Julian Lennon
(04/08/1963 – )
English singer, songwriter , on his dad John

Patricia Arquette "Neither of us entered marriage thinking it wouldn't be a strain. Life has strains in it, and he's the person I want to strain with." Patricia Arquette
(04/08/1968 – )
US actor (sister of Rosanna and David; granddaughter of Clifford), on her marriage with Nicolas Cage

Pablo Picasso "Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." Pablo Picasso
(10/25/1881 – 04/08/1973)
Spanish artist

General Omar Bradley "The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants." General Omar Bradley
(02/12/1893 – 04/08/1981)
US military

Marian Anderson "Prejudice is like a hair across your cheek. You can't see it, you can't find it with your fingers, but you keep brushing at it because the feel of it is irritating." Marian Anderson
(02/27/1897 – 04/08/1993)
US singer

Laura Nigro "Sometimes only poetry can say it. I think there's just this deeper language, and a way of putting your world back together again and breaking through barriers." Laura Nyro
(10/18/1947 – 04/08/1997)
US singer, songwriter

"Heck, I drank no more than John Wayne or Ward Bond or Spencer Tracy or Alan Ladd or Robert Walker. But it got me into a lot more trouble." John Agar
(01/31/1921 – 04/08/2002)
US military, actor (was married to Shirley Temple)

Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren "The Sex Pistols are like some contagious disease." Malcolm McLaren
(01/20/1947 – 04/08/2010)
English entrepreneur

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