Translation from English

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

WNYC- New Tech City Blog Posts, Starting with "High Tech Jargon"

Tech Journos and the Lingo They Love to Hate

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Four of the best-known tech journalists define the latest, most ridiculous lingo being tossed around at the SXSW Interactive conference. Then we asked them to talk to us in that very jargon.

The Simple Steps Behind World Class Efficiency

Thursday, March 06, 2014

These steps from the Toyota Production System make car manufacturing smooth and swift. They also work on every day life.

Getting Feisty Protecting Your Data from Companies

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

The machines are watching us. Computers, phones, hospitals and cars are all collecting data on us to serve us better. But how can we the consumers know when our data is working for us, not against us?

The Man Who Tried to Eliminate All Words, But Never Met a Smartphone

Friday, February 28, 2014

This is a story of heroic effort, decades of toil and a man obsessed with a utopian dream: to replace the written word with symbols. And how today's text message tools could have helped.

4 Ways to Boost Your Online Dating Returns

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

With more than 10 percent of American adults dating online, researchers are devoting serious attention to how singles can get it right, including tapping focus groups. Here's what they said.

Drop the Smartphone and Love Me Already

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center finds that a quarter of cell phone owners in serious relationships have felt that their partner was distracted by their device.

The Reason Why Internet Servers (Hopefully) Won't Destroy the Earth

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Search — not storage — is the biggest conundrum for big data.

For a Better Memory, Hit 'Delete'

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Keep forgetting your mother's cell phone number? Don't worry. You're not alone. In this New Tech City interview, Columbia University Psychology professor Betsy Sparrow explains why it's so hard to remember things in the digital age and what you can do about it.

To Clear Out Your Inbox, You Need More Power

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

We used to be swimming in data. Now we're drowning in it. So, how can we stay afloat? By fighting tech with tech.

See Which Subway Stations are Wired for Wireless

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hint: They're all in Manhattan.

Guide to Finding Inner Peace Through your Smart Phone

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It seems totally contradictory, but that distracting device in your hand can also be your salvation for focusing your mind through meditation.

10 New York City Vine-ographers You Should Follow

Friday, January 24, 2014

Who are your favorite Vine-ographers in New York City? That's what we asked people in the Vine community in recent weeks. We've heard about dozens of incredible comedians, musicians, stop-motion artists and illustrators who bring New York to life with their six-second videos. Here are 10 of our favorites.

Meet the Vine-ographers Who Can Make $10k in 6 Seconds

Friday, January 24, 2014

Unlike Twitter and Instagram, the video-sharing app Vine isn't dominated by celebrities. The most popular users are comedians, musicians and stop-motion artists who have built up a following through the app - some have even turned it into a full-time job.

Why Don't More People Use Digital Door Locks? A Few Facts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hotels, dorms, offices, they all use digital door locks. Why don't the rest of us? New Tech City reviews some of the reasons holding back the evolution of the key and lock, a truly ancient technology. Plus, a few facts to help you decide if you should make the switch.

3 (and a Half) Tips for Being a Young Boss, or Working for One

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This week New Tech City is exploring wisdom in the workplace. Who has it? How do they get it? And can all those baby-faced founders of tech startups have it? Here are a few lessons from young CEOs and the people who work for them.

Submit Your Story: Your Worst Tech Fails

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

We've all seen people abuse, overuse and get confused by technology, from embarrassing auto-corrects to tweets that missed their mark. Bring us your best (or worst!) story, or confess your own, and we'll tell you how to turn it around when New Tech City hosts a live conversation about balancing the technology in your life on January 23 in The Greene Space.

'Her' Makes Sex with Software OK, and I'm OK With That

Friday, January 10, 2014

Spike Jonzes' new movie forces us to ask how "real" love is when it's with artificial intelligence. And that's a very good thing to start thinking about.

It's Baaaack: Cicada 3301 Mega-Puzzle Relaunches for 2014

Monday, January 06, 2014

Cicada 3301 — a shadowy person or organization behind two previous cryptographic challenges on the internet — unfurled a third set of puzzles Monday that is already boggling the minds of dozens of potential solvers. (For the full story, and solution, to the previous Cicada 3301 puzzles, listen to our latest podcast.)

Meet the Teenage Codebreaker Who Helped Solve the Cicada 3301 Internet Puzzle

Monday, December 30, 2013

An enigmatic message on the internet from an unknown source named “3301” sends thousands searching to solve ever increasingly complicated puzzles for the past two years.  Will it happen again in 2014?  This week on New Tech City, Cicada 3301.  Can you solve it?

The Best of #YSLTF ('You Should Listen To' Friday) on Twitter

Friday, December 06, 2013

What is #YSLTF? It's 'You Should Listen To' Friday. Starting this Friday, radio makers and radio lovers are tweeting out the handles and links to their favorite podcasts, radio segments and audio storytelling. Here are some cool things we've discovered so far.

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