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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

News from Argentina-- the New York Times


Horacio Paone for The New York Times
News about Argentina, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Feb. 26, 2014
    Spanish oil company Repsol says it agrees to $5 billion compensation deal with Argentina for seizure of company's operations in that country, ending bitter two-year dispute and hopefully ending serious tensions between two countries.MORE »
  2. Feb. 9, 2014
    Tyler Cowen Economic View column; self-inflicted political wounds from problems in governance, more than global economic tides, appear to be shaking nations like Argentina, Turkey, Ukraine and Thailand.MORE »
  3. Feb. 8, 2014
    Editorial maintains officials in Brazil, Argentina, Turkey and other nations have only themselves to blame for economic downturns; contends rapid decline in their currencies is due to longstanding domestic problems, rather than the Federal Reserve's decision to scale back bond-buying program.MORE »
  4. Feb. 1, 2014
    Argentine Pres Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has yet to address currency crisis that has set off global concerns about the fragility of developing economies; Kirchner's absence during steepest currency plunge since country's economic collapse a decade ago has weakened her once-strong public image and fueled debate over whether a power vacuum is emerging.MORE »
  5. Jan. 29, 2014
    Editorial contends that Argentina is again facing a financial crisis caused largely by misguided government policies; warns Pres Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner that she will have to take much bolder steps to repair the damage done to the economy.MORE »


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