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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Malaysian Plane: Yes, It has Come to this--- the Daily Kos

Fri Mar 21, 2014 at 10:47 AM PDT

CNN's Headline News channel asks psychic to weigh in on missing plane

A host interviews a self-professed psychic on HLN Dr. Drew On Cal (screenshot)l. Onscreen caption 'Can Psychics Help Find Plane?'
There you go. That screenshot, right there. I think that about sums it up. The story of Flight 370 might be squarely in CNN's wheelhouse, what with all the possibilities of black holes and mini-Raptures to be considered, but CNN's Headline News (sorry, "HLN"—the news these days moves too fast for us to spell out entire words) doesn't have to take such nuances into account. You want a psychic reading of what happened to Flight 730 while the banner underneath proclaims the whole effort doctor-approved? You got it.
“Naturally, I don’t have hard, concrete evidence,” Lisa Williams confessed. “I think any psychic who has hard, concrete evidence can’t do their job correctly.”
That's the most concise description of the cable news motto I've ever heard. Some variation of that ought to be carved over CNN's front doorway.
Williams said that her powers are telling her that some of the passengers are still alive and are being held in an undisclosed location. She added that she knew this because she was attempting to contact MH370′s lost passengers for their living relatives.
Aaaaand now it's just sad and creepy again. Yuck, people. Just yuck. 
To cap it off, HLN "balanced" the psychic's theories with a response from a 777 pilot, so Both Sides of The Story on the whole "what does a self-professed psychic medium think happened to the missing airplane" got heard from. I don't know what more you could want, watchers of Dr. Drew's

CNN-Approved Cable News Happy Funtime Real Science Show, I don't know what more you could possibly want.

Originally posted to Hunter on Fri Mar 21, 2014 at 10:47 AM PDT.

Also republished by Daily Kos.

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