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Monday, March 10, 2014

"House of Cards" Too Much Like Real Life?-- WNYC

Life Imitating Art? 'House of Cards' Story Eerily Similar to Real D.C. Vote

Monday, March 10, 2014

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Former Marine officer & military sexual assault victim Ariana Klay (R), speaks as U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) (L) listens during a news conference November 6, 2013 on Capitol Hill. (Alex Wong/Getty
Last week U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) faced a major setback when members of her own party failed to support her in passing a military sexual-assault bill that would have removed the chain of command from prosecuting sexual assaults and other major military crimes.

Among the Democrats that voted against her were Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri. The two women went head to head, and ultimately Gillibrand lost. It's a story line that sounds eerily familiar if you've been keeping up with Season 2 of "House of Cards."

Beau Willimon, creator of the Netflix series, weighs in on the story line and life imitating art.


Beau Willimon

Produced by:

Arwa Gunja and Kristen Meinzer


T.J. Raphael

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