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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

From NY Times- News from Venezuela


Miguel Gutierrez/European Pressphoto Agency
News about Venezuela, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.

Chronology of Coverage

  1. Feb. 27, 2014
    Seven members of Venezuela's intelligence service are charged with murder in the shooting deaths of a demonstrator and a government supporter after a major protest march in capital Caracas.MORE »
  2. Feb. 25, 2014
    Op-Ed article by journalist Francisco Toro holds demonstrations in Venezuela, seemingly diffuse in terms of political goals, represent the people asserting their very right to protest; says government's treatment of all dissent as treason, and their violent repression of public demonstrations, has become intolerable to country's people.MORE »
  3. Feb. 25, 2014
    Protests sweeping Venezuela are rapidly expanding from student demonstrations to unrest among much broader array of people across the country; behind outpouring is more than litany of economic and social problems that have long bedeviled Venezuela, with Pres Nicolas Maduro's aggressive response to public dissent fueling more outrage.MORE »
  4. Feb. 24, 2014
    Venezuelan government and news media reports reveal that 11 people have died in more than two weeks of antigovernment protests; officials disagree over death toll and whether the latest death was related to protests.MORE »
  5. Feb. 21, 2014
    Venezuela is being convulsed by large-scale protests since Pres Hugo Chavez died in 2013; demonstrations are being fueled by perennial complaints of crime, inflation and shortages, but also by growing sense that post-Chavez government is shutting down places in which it is possible to voice dissent with its policies.MORE »


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Slum Dwellers in Caracas Ask, What Protests?
Slum Dwellers in Caracas Ask, What Protests?
While the middle and upper classes have dug in against President Nicolás Maduro’s government, the poor have in large part stayed away.
March 1, 2014, Saturday
Cervelli and Yankees Teammates Show Support for Protesters in Venezuela
Francisco Cervelli and about a dozen of his teammates were photographed with the Venezuelan flag and signs for peace.
February 28, 2014, Friday
Venezuela's Angry Students
Venezuela's Angry Students
Clearly, the country is sliding toward dictatorship as the harsh repression of dissent spreads.
February 28, 2014, Friday
Pictures of the Day: Ukraine and Elsewhere
Pictures of the Day: Ukraine and Elsewhere
Photos from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria and Venezuela.
February 27, 2014, Thursday
MORE ON VENEZUELA AND: Venezuela, Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan, Photography
Venezuela Accuses Intelligence Officers of Murdering 2
Venezuela Accuses Intelligence Officers of Murdering 2
The Venezuelan national prosecutor accused seven intelligence service members of killing a demonstrator and a government supporter after a protest.
February 27, 2014, Thursday
Former Champion Killed
The former world champion Antonio Cermeño was kidnapped and killed in his native Venezuela, the police said.
February 26, 2014, Wednesday
Crude Weapons Help Fuel Unrest in Bastion of Venezuelan Opposition
Crude Weapons Help Fuel Unrest in Bastion of Venezuelan Opposition
Protesters are using a variety of homemade weapons against troops, including miniature firebombs and Miguelitos, which are made from hoses festooned with nails.
February 26, 2014, Wednesday
Venezuelans Document Unrest
Despite government efforts to minimize news coverage of the growing protests, residents are presenting proof on social media.
February 25, 2014, Tuesday
Times Minute | Inside Yanukovych's Home
Times Minute | Inside Yanukovych's Home
Ukrainians explored the compound of their ousted president, Viktor F. Yanukovych. Also on the Minute, swelling protests in Venezuela and a look at mussels that pose threats in the United States.
February 25, 2014, Tuesday
Venezuelan Opposition Leader Tweets at the President
Henrique Capriles, the country’s most prominent opposition leader, opted not to meet with President Nicolás Maduro, saying Mr. Maduro’s invitation had been intended only to create a photo opportunity.
February 25, 2014, Tuesday
In Venezuela, Protest Ranks Grow Broader
In Venezuela, Protest Ranks Grow Broader
In a coordinated action against the government, residents of Caracas and other cities have taken to the streets to protest a litany of problems that have long troubled the country.
February 25, 2014, Tuesday
Rash Repression in Venezuela
Rash Repression in Venezuela
Venezuelans take to the streets to defend the very right to protest.
February 25, 2014, Tuesday
Huntington's Conflicts, Fukuyama's World
Today’s foreign crises and their ideological context.
February 24, 2014, Monday
Venezuela Is Divided Even on Its Death Toll
Venezuela Is Divided Even on Its Death Toll
At least 11 people have died in the antigovernment demonstrations, though officials disagreed over whether the latest death was related to the protests.
February 24, 2014, Monday
Kerry Says Venezuela Crackdown Is ‘Unacceptable’
Kerry Says Venezuela Crackdown Is ‘Unacceptable’
As the demonstrations continued to grow, Secretary of State John Kerry strengthened his criticism of the Venezuelan government’s response to the protesters.
February 23, 2014, Sunday

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