Saturday, March 29, 2014

CNET- Latest Sci-Tech News


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After a decadelong chase, Rosetta preps to tag a comet

The European spacecraft has been hunting down one particular comet at high speeds for several years. Now, after a long nap, its target is within sight.

Dear Govt: Change typeface, save millions. Yours, Suvir, 14

14-year-old Suvir Mirchandani discovers that printer ink is more expensive than Chanel No. 5. So he tries to find a typeface that uses less of it. And the government could save millions.

Study finds online gamers aren't anti-social basement dwellers -- they're highly social

After observing the behaviors of thousands of gamers, with a focus on "massively multiplayer online role-playing games" such as World of Warcraft, researchers conclude that loners are the outliers, not the norm.

Cyborgs to vie in Olympics for robot-assisted athletes

Get ready for the Cybathlon. The first Olympics for augmented humans will take place in Switzerland in 2016 and feature some of the top assistive gear around.

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Observations at many sites in South America, including ESO’s La Silla Observatory, have made the surprise discovery that the remote asteroid Chariklo is surrounded by two dense and narrow rings. This is the smallest object by far found to have rings and only the fifth body in the Solar System — after the much larger planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — to have this feature. The origin of these rings remains a mystery, but they may be the result of a collision that created a disc of debris. This artist’s impression shows a close-up of what the rings might look like.

Ring around the asteroid: Scientists make surprise discovery

Silly asteroid, rings are for Saturn! Not anymore. Astronomers have discovered an asteroid hosting a ring system of its very own.

Dad turns kid into lightsaber-wielding superhero

Through the magic of special effects, a dad turns his son into “Action Movie Kid” in a series of YouTube videos that show what happens when a kid’s imagination meets a grown-up’s.
If the party's fun enough, even the worst hangover doesn't seem to discourage drinkers from partying again soon after.

Sobriety app with panic button helps addicts stay on the wagon

According to the first large, randomized clinical trial to test this kind of stop-drinking app, 52 percent of users stayed dry for a year after leaving treatment, as opposed to only 40 percent of a control group that didn't have the app.
<p>ATHENA, the Advanced Tissue-engineered Human Ectypal Network Analyzer. There are huge benefits in developing drug and toxicity analysis systems that can mimic the response of actual human organs.</p>

Lab-made mini human to screen drugs, toxins

Work begins on Athena, a $19 million project that seeks to create artificial organs that work in concert inside a human-like test dummy that could reduce reliance on animal testing.

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The smaller the cereal flake, the more you'll eat

Committed researchers at Penn State discover that the size of your flake dictates the size of your intake. Oddly, though, the smaller the flake, the more you'll want to eat.

If you want to spot a liar, trust your gut, research says

Research from UC Berkeley suggests that instinct is a far better judge of the mendacious than is any rational process.

NASA spots Washington mudslide from space

Satellite shots from the Earth Observatory show the stunning scope of the mudslide that claimed lives and homes in the remote town of Oso, Wash.

Watch a woman get a 3D-printed skull

When a Dutch woman with a rare condition needed a new skull, surgeons 3D-printed one for her and put it on her brain like a cap.

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