Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yes, "Patriotic" Redpublicans Block Veterans Bill- the Daily Kos

Thu Feb 27, 2014 at 01:15 PM PST

With just 41 votes, Republican senators block veterans benefits bill

U.S. Senator John Cornyn speaks to the media following the weekly Republican Senate policy meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, February 26, 2013. REUTERS/Jason Reed
attribution: REUTERS
AP reports on the GOP's successful filibuster of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' veterans benefits bill:
Senate Republicans have blocked a Democratic bill that would enrich health, education and job-training programs for the nation's 22 million veterans.
And why did Republicans—who "won" the vote because "only" 56 senators voted in favor of moving forward with the bill—decide to block it?
Republicans complained that the bill was too expensive. And they were upset that Majority Leader Harry Reid prevented a vote on a GOP amendment cutting the bill and adding sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program.
Ah yes, we mustn't be too generous when it comes to the people we ask to defend our country with their lives. Especially not when we're not even able to have a vote on an unrelated piece of legislation, even if that unrelated piece of legislation would make it more likely that we'd send even more veterans to their death, as their Iran sanctions bill would do. Lovely Republican Party, eh?

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