Sunday, February 23, 2014

New Tech City: Raft of Stories on Tech Developments, History- WNYC

Recent Episodes and Articles

Latest Episode / Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Story Behind the Poster on Every Tech Startup's Wall

It's a commentary on the ethos behind innovation today, and it reveals just how much luck and self-love are embraced in the startup world. New Tech City explains the ubiquitous "Holstee Manifesto."
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4 Ways to Boost Your Online Dating Returns

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This blog post is part of the most recent New Tech City podcast. Listen to it online, or subscribe here
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Machine Learning + Love

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

As the popularity of online dating sites rises, algorithms are playing a big role in finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. So what will it take to make the machine smarter at finding us love?
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Drop the Smartphone and Love Me Already

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Smartphones are getting in between lovers. A study released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center finds that a quarter of cell phone owners in serious relationships have felt that their partner was distracted by their device. 
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Face the Eco-Implications of Your E-Hoarding Habits

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Because billions of computer users around the world are clicking "save" more and more, it may seem like we'll have to keep building server farms apace to store all those baby pics and status updates. But that's not exactly how it works. Storage, it turns out, isn't really the problem.
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To Clear Out Your Inbox, You Need More Power

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

The amount of data on the internet increases exponentially every year. It's now measured by the zettabyte, which is almost a trillion times larger than the measly gigabyte we've come to know so well. We used to be swimming in data. Now we're drowning in it. So, how can we stay afloat?
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For a Better Memory, Hit 'Delete'

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Betsy Sparrow doesn't know her sister's phone number, and she blames the internet.
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What If We Deleted Everything?

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

The message service Snapchat is booming because 'snaps' disappear after just a few seconds. Should we embrace ephemerality in more of our online lives? This week New Tech City explores whether it's time to ditch auto-save and replace it with auto-delete.
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See Which Subway Stations are Wired for Wireless

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Verizon Wireless customers can now use their cellphones in 35 of New York City's underground subway stations. Transit officials said Tuesday that Verizon service is available in stations including Rockefeller Center, Lincoln Center and Times Square.
A deal was announced to wire the subway system last year. The carriers AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless and Sprint all signed on, but only AT&T and T-Mobile service were initially available.
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Guide to Finding Inner Peace Through your Smart Phone

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

People who know me would agree, I’m a pretty intense, hyped-up, over-caffeinated New Yorker. Heck, “relaxation” for me involves spinning my legs at insane speeds on a stationary bike for 45 minutes at SoulCycle. There's an inner peace you find when all you can do is focus on breathing: Breathe in, breathe out.  Meditation is all about the breath, right?
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Mindhacking: Finding Serenity in a Tech-Obsessed World

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

This week New Tech City helps you learn how to unplug and regain your piece of mind in a world filled with texts, pings, meeting reminders and social media notifications. Take a deep breath, turn off your smartphone and tune in for a "digital detox" chock full of tips on how to identify your core goals and stick to them in the digital age.
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10 NYC Vine-ographers You Should Follow

Friday, January 24, 2014

Who are your favorite Vine-ographers in New York City? That's what I asked people in the Vine community in recent weeks. I've heard about dozens of incredible comedians, musicians, stop-motion artists and illustrators who bring New York to life with their six-second videos, and these are 10 of my favorites culled from the suggestions.
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How to Make $10,000 in Six Seconds

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday marks the one-year anniversary of Vine, the app that lets you shoot and share six-second videos with your smartphone.
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Stop! Recharge Yourself with this One Minute Digital Detox Plan

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Feeling taxed by 2014 already? Promised yourself you'd stop being a slave to your phone? Maybe it's time for a digital detox.
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Two True Stories from the Airbnb Wars

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Airbnb, the website for short term apartment rentals, is battling New York’s Attorney General to keep its business records private. Attorney General Eric Schneiderman believes Airbnb users may be evading taxes and violating housing codes, and he’s issued a subpoena. But whether the AG gets the information he wants or not, Airbnb is now deeply enmeshed in the New York housing market.

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Why Don't More People Use Digital Door Locks? A Few Facts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

As far as technologies go, the key is ancient. Early iterations date back 4,000 years ago around Egypt and haven't fundamentally changed since, which is, well, kind of odd. But as with so many industries, the digital revolution is upending old ways for the lock and key.
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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors, But Does Airbnb?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Chris makes $100 a night by renting out a room in his apartment through Airbnb. Ken is a landlord whose former tenant broke various laws by renting out an apartment through Airbnb. The two men have never met, but they're on opposite sides of a simmering legal battle with a whole lot of money at stake.
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3 (and a Half) Tips for Being a Young Boss, or Working for One

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

This week New Tech City is exploring wisdom in the workplace. Who has it? How do they get it? And can all those baby-faced founders of tech startups have it? Here are a few lessons from young CEOs and the people who work for them.
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How to Be a Young Boss (Or Work for One)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

When baby-faced startup founders begin to build out their businesses, they hire a lot of young people their age to do the grunt work, but there comes a point when CEOs in their 20s have to hire employees in their 30s and 40s. This week New Tech City talks to young bosses and their older employees on the hunt for wisdom in the new tech workplace.
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Submit Your Story: Your Worst Tech Fails

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

That guy who walked into a lamppost while texting. The woman you saw doing FaceTime with her husband - in the Whole Foods produce section.
We've all seen people abuse, overuse and get confused by technology, from embarrassing auto-corrects to tweets that missed their mark. Bring us your best (or worst!) story, or confess your own, and we'll tell you how to turn it around when New Tech City hosts a live conversation about balancing the technology in your life on January 23 in The Greene Space.
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'Her' Makes Sex with Software OK, and We're OK With That

Friday, January 10, 2014

A video movie review, and musing on modern life from New Tech City host Manoush Zomorodi.
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