Friday, February 28, 2014

Mental Health Now Denied to Uninsured in Many States- Daily Kos

Thu Feb 27, 2014 at 08:19 AM PST

Almost 4 million uninsured denied mental health care in states that won't expand Medicaid

In New York City, just try to find a therapist even with Medicare

Map showing number of uninsured people with mental illness or substance abuse issues in states that aren't expanding Medicaid.
More than 3.7 million mentally ill and uninsured people will remain without care in the 25 states which have refused to expand Medicaid. That's according to a new report from the American Mental Health Counselors Association.
The problem is most acute in Florida and Texas, both home to more than half a million uninsured adults with serious mental health and substance use conditions. The 11 southern states that are not moving toward Medicaid expansion are home to 2.7 million people with mental illness. Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Missouri and Mississippi each have between 100,000 and 200,000 such uninsured adults. Georgia has 233,000 residents who suffer from mental illness, according to data compiled through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
These 25 states have about 55 percent of all uninsured people with mental illness, the Association reports. Mental health, including substance abuse, treatment is now included as an essential health benefit in all health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act. That is, for those who aren't left out.

Originally posted to Joan McCarter on Thu Feb 27, 2014 at 08:19 AM PST.

Also republished by South Dakota Kos and Daily Kos.

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