Translation from English

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Famous People (including Galileo) born today with Pithy Quotes-

"I am the Roman emperor, and am above grammar." Sigismund
(02/15/1368 – 12/09/1437)
Germanic emperor

Galileo Galilei "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use." Galileo Galilei
(02/15/1564 – 01/08/1642)
Italian scientist, astronomer

Jeremy Bentham "As to the evil which results from censorship, it is impossible to measure it, because it is impossible to tell where it ends." Jeremy Bentham
(02/15/1748 – 06/06/1832)
English philosopher

Gotthold Lessing "Ah! would that we could at once paint with the eyes! In the long way, from the eye, through the arm to the pencil, how much is lost!" Gotthold Lessing
(01/22/1729 – 02/15/1781)
German dramatist

Susan Bromwell Anthony "Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less." Susan B. Anthony
(02/15/1820 – 03/13/1906)
US suffragist

Elihu Root "Men do not fail; they give up trying." Elihu Root
(02/15/1845 – 02/07/1937)
US lawyer, statesman

Alfred North Whitehead "The total absence of humor from the Bible is one of the most singular things in literature." Alfred North Whitehead
(02/15/1861 – 12/30/1947)
English mathematician, philosopher

John Barrymore Katharine Hepburn: "Thank God I don't have to act with you anymore!"
John Barrymore: "I didn't realize you ever had, darling."
(02/15/1882 – 05/29/1942)
US actor (brother of Ethel and Lionel, father of John Drew, grandfather of Drew)

"You don't develop good teeth by eating mush." "Red" Blaik
(02/15/1897 – 05/06/1989)
US football coach

Lew Wallace "One is never more on trial than in the moment of excessive good fortune." General Lew Wallace
(04/10/1827 – 02/15/1905)
US military

Millicent Fenwick Fellow Congressperson: "I've always thought of women as kissable, cuddly, and smelling good."
Millicent Fenwick: "That's what I feel about men. I only hope you haven't been disappointed as often as I have."
(02/15/1910 – 09/16/1992)
US fashion editor, representative (NJ), diplomat

"English humor resembles the Loch Ness Monster in that both are famous but there is a strong suspicion that neither exists." George Mikes
(02/15/1912 – 08/30/1987)
English writer

Harvey Herschel Korman "You have to have a certain persona to be a star, you know, and I don't have that. I'm a banana." Harvey Korman
(02/15/1927 – 05/29/2008)
US comic, actor

Herbert Henry Asquith "Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life." Herbert Henry Asquith
(09/12/1852 – 02/15/1928)
English Prime Minister (35) (was married to Margot Tennant Asquith, father of Elizabeth Asquith Bibesco and Cyril Asquith, great-grandfather of Helena Bonham Carter; see other British PMs)

Clare Short "Most of us women like men, you know; it's just that we find them a constant disappointment." Clare Short
(02/15/1946 – )
English politician

"A viable alternative to Valium." Ira Siff
(02/15/1946 – )
US singer , on opera singer Dame Kiri Te Kanawa

"Samuel Beckett once said: 'Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.' On the other hand, he SAID it." Art Spiegelman
(02/15/1948 – )
US cartoonist

Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg "Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life." Jane Seymour
(02/15/1951 – )
English actor

Matt Groening "I pledge impertinence to the flag waving, of the unindicted co-conspirators of America, and to the republicans for which I can't stand, one abomination, underhanded fraud, indefensible, with Liberty and Justice... Forget it." Matt Groening
(02/15/1954 – )
US cartoonist; Simpsons creator

Christopher Crosby Farley "In the land of the skunks, he who has half a nose is king." Chris Farley
(02/15/1964 – 12/18/1997)
US comic, actor (SNL) , paraphrasing Erasmus

Nathaniel Adams Coles "Madison Avenue is afraid of the dark." Nat "King" Cole
(03/17/1919 – 02/15/1965)
US singer , on the cancellation of his TV show

Ilka Chase "It is usually when men are at their most religious that they behave with the least sense and the most cruelty." Ilka Chase
(04/08/1905 – 02/15/1978)
US actor

Ethel Agnes Zimmermann "I can hold a note as long as the Chase Manhattan Bank." Ethel Merman
(01/16/1909 – 02/15/1984)
US singer

Richard P. Feynman "I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring." Richard P. Feynman
(05/11/1918 – 02/15/1988)
US Nobelist Physicist, teacher, storyteller, bongo player , last words

Burt Kennedy "You know what I say about modern westerns—they ruined everything but the horse." Burt Kennedy
(09/03/1922 – 02/15/2001)
US screenwriter (shown with John Wayne)

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