Sunday, February 2, 2014

Alley Watch-- the News of Silicon Alley especially Start Ups

Being a New Yorker, of course I am interested in the local "Silicon Alley" and what is happening there...

This site--"Alley Watch"-- offers a bonanza of timely and relevant articles about that.

Advice - If you really want to impress a startup founder as a potential employee, or you want to be a smart investor, you need to know the right questions to ask. These are the questions that get past the hype of a founder “vision to change...
2013 vc funding
Funding - In PitchBook’s recent datagraphic, they take a look at global venture capital activity in 2013, including fundraising, deals/valuations and exits. Looking at VC fundraising over the past 10 years, there was a steady increase in...
US President Barack Obama speaks on the
Advice - I hope everyone enjoyed my last post on 'Idea Brainstorming' as we explored ways to come up with startup ideas and what ideas are worth pursuing. Today we're discussing how to become an authority and influencer. So imagine this,...
Advice - Name one awesome feature film that showcases entrepreneurship. Even if it’s not completely accurate to the hardships of the startup journey, what about that movie is a true takeaway? FORREST GUMP "Although it is historical...
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AlleyTalk - Do you miss the feel of your Blackberry keyboard?  There are two new physical keyboards for the iPhone that may fulfill your sense of...
Advertising - If you're in New York, perhaps you've seen the out-of-home campaign for Venmo, an app that makes it easy to send money to a friend. It features Lucas (who actually works at Venmo) staring off into space with copy that doesn't say...
startup cycling
Advice - Ten years ago, I weighed about 300 pounds. I managed to lose about 50 pounds and then plateaued for quite some time. I found myself, like many people, sitting for long periods of time, working long hours and eating poorly. In July...
Advice - I’m going to make a statement that will surely make me the most unpopular person at my next family reunion: whatever you do, don’t hire your family to work at your start-up. Managing a start-up is a rewarding experience, and the...
2014-01-23 19.44.28
AlleyTalk - This past Thursday night, Women Innovate Mobile co-founder Kelly Hoey hosted a panel of angel investors, including Nihal Mehta (Eniac Ventures, Founder & Executive Chairman, LocalResponse), Nnamdi Okike (645 Angels) and Jerry...
personal branding
Advice - There was a time when a personal brand was limited to a person’s co-workers, neighbors, family and friends.  In today’s Internet- and social network-focused world, personal branding is an essential activity.  It can and will...
Advice - Look at the end game when deciding whether to structure your startup as a corporation or LLC. You’re probably starting a business to make money. How will you get your money out of the corporation or LLC? If you take on investors,...
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Advertising - Companies such as Jaguar and Anheuser-Busch are airing so-called tease commercials to promote their longer commercials that will air during the...
Advice - I’ll answer the title’s question quickly. It’s email. Why? I’ll explain in a moment. But the truth is, there’s marketing value in email and Facebook (and insert social network here). Just not the same value. I can...
mobile broadband
Advice - One thing that’s missing from this cycle that we had in the last cycle (i.e., the dotcom bubble) is a massive broadband overbuild. Last time it was for our wired infrastructure. This time we need it for our mobile infrastructure....
The Complete Guide to NYC Coworking_working copy.001
Advice - So you’ve quit your soul-sucking corporate job and are ready to enter the big, bad world of startups. You’ve got your idea all laid out and even managed to find a few partners to work with. But somehow, working at home in your...

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