Wednesday, January 29, 2014

WNYC Latest News: Among Other Items, Norovirus on Caribbean Cruise?

Latest News: Snowbound Atlanta Students Go Home, Days of Misery on Board Cruise Ship, Rep. Grimm Apologizes to Reporter

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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Here are the latest headlines from the WNYC newsroom.
Georgia Governor Nathan Deal said all Atlanta-area schoolchildren who were stranded on school buses Tuesday night after a snow storm have been safely returned to their parents. Deal said at least 95 buses became stuck and children spent the night in the buses. Others slept at schools. Authorities used Humvees to deliver food and water to the stranded children. School districts throughout the state have announced they'll remain closed on Thursday.
Passengers aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship on which hundreds fell ill recalled days of misery holed up in their rooms, after the ship returned to its home port in New Jersey. The Explorer of the Seas docked in Bayonne Wednesday afternoon from a Caribbean trip cut short by what is suspected to be among the largest norovirus outbreaks in the last 20 years.
Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm apologized to NY1 reporter Michael Scott for threatening to throw him off the Capitol balcony and break him in half "like a boy." Grimm's vitriol came after Tuesday night's State of the Union address, as Scotto was trying to get one last question in about a long-running FBI investigation into Grimm's campaign finances. In a written apology, Grimm said he was wrong to "lose his cool." Shortly after the incident, Grimm had said he "told off" Scotto because the reporter had been disrespectful.
Officials in New Jersey and New York charged with making the Super Bowl safe said they're on alert for any bomb plots that target mass transit, like the deadly bombings that happened in Russia last year before the upcoming Winter Olympics. They say they're not aware of any specific plans to target the game or surrounding events such as "Super Bowl Boulevard" in Times Square. The 13-block-long football-themed street fair along Broadway opened Wednesday. It features a 60-foot-tall toboggan run. New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said more officers and bomb-sniffing dogs have been deployed to the area.
The Federal Reserve decided to continue winding down its massive bond-buying program. The decisions was unanimous and indicated that officials are not too concerned about a week jobs report in December. It was Ben Bernanke's final meeting as chairman of the central bank.
With a stroke of his pen, President Barack Obama has created a new savings plan designed for Americans who don't have workplace retirement plans. Obama took to a Pennsylvania steel plant Wednesday to sign an order to create the program, in which workers could contribute as little as $5 from their paychecks.


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