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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Top Stories fron New Scientist


Volcanic mayhem drove major burst of evolution

Life's forge <i>(Image: Sigurgeir Sigurjonsson/Plainpicture)</i> The violent birth of a mega-continent, with huge volcanic eruptions, could help explain the rich diversity of animal life that exists today
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Astrophile: Giant flashlight illuminates cosmic network

Quasar light is making the probing of cosmic filaments possible <i>(Image: S. Cantalupo)</i>
TODAY:  18:00 19 January 2014
Light from the activity of a distant black hole provides a first glimpse of the web of gas and dark matter that underpins the universe

Devastating El Niño events to double this century

TODAY:  18:00 19 January 2014
Extreme El Niño events that could kill tens of thousands of people will become twice as common because of climate change

Hollow 'doughnut' rock appears in Mars rover's path

TODAY:  01:08 18 January 2014
Spotted by NASA's Opportunity rover, the rock may have been flipped over when it was kicked into view, perhaps offering a taste of pristine Martian material

Laser makes ultra-light mirror out of tiny beads

TODAY:  00:03 18 January 2014
Particles held together by light could be a first step towards putting mirrors in space big enough to see continents and forests on exoplanets

Seattle NFL stadium now wired for crowd-quakes

TODAY:  21:22 17 January 2014
Seismologists have rigged up the Seattle Seahawks stadium to measure the shaking when the crowd goes wild during Sunday's clash with San Francisco 49ers

Obama promises to curb some of NSA's snooping power

TODAY:  19:09 17 January 2014
The US president makes concessions to address fears that the NSA has gone too far in its spying on US citizens – but leaves many key areas unaddressed

Long-lost lake may have helped humans out of Africa

TODAY:  18:26 17 January 2014
A 45,000-square-kilometre lake, which has long since dried up, was at the right place at the right time for key migrations in the history of our species

Record poaching pushes rhinos towards extinction

TODAY:  18:16 17 January 2014
More than 1000 rhinos were poached in South Africa last year – at this rate deaths could soon outnumber births, threatening a population crash

Shimmering colour in a fruit fly's eye

PICTURE OF THE DAY:  15:30 17 January 2014
An award-winning photo reveals the beauty in the ranks of structures that make up a fruit fly's compound eye

Cheap DNA: What the $1000-genome means for you

TODAY:  15:28 17 January 2014
The long-awaited price breakthrough could help decode the causes of diabetes and schizophrenia, but don't rush out for a spit test yet

Diet can explain half of racial blood pressure puzzle

TODAY:  13:07 17 January 2014
African Americans have higher blood pressure than their white counterparts. Analysis of metabolites shows diet can explain part of this difference

Natural ball lightning probed for the first time

TODAY:  21:31 16 January 2014
A thunderstorm in China has delivered the first evidence from nature that ball lightning forms thanks to vaporised dirt

Insect minions banned from breeding by same signal

TODAY:  19:00 16 January 2014
Queen insects, from ants to wasps, all use the same chemical messengers to stop their workers reproducing

Vertical farms sprouting all over the world

NEWS:  17:00 16 January 2014
From Singapore to Pennsylvania, warehouses and high-rises offer a new, environmentally friendly way to feed the swelling populations of the world's cities

Bijou backpacks reveal habits of chilled-out bees

PICTURE OF THE DAY:  16:57 16 January 2014
Australian researchers are tracking thousands of bees by fitting them with tiny radio tags

Volcanic mayhem drove major burst of evolution

THIS WEEK:  12:00 16 January 2014
The violent birth of a mega-continent, with huge volcanic eruptions, could help explain the rich diversity of animal life that exists today

Astronaut gut reaction: The microbiome in space

INSIGHT:  10:00 16 January 2014
Microbes can change behaviour after just a few days without gravity, so scientists are worried that the bugs in astronauts' guts may turn traitor in space

Moth drone stays rock steady in gale-force winds Movie Camera

NEWS:  08:00 16 January 2014
By mimicking how a moth moves, a quadcopter can hover and fly even in high winds – perfect for surveillance

Gene therapy restores sight in people with eye disease

TODAY:  00:01 16 January 2014
For the first time, gene therapy has been used to treat a rare cause of blindness called choroideremia – the results may be relevant to more common eye diseases

Google's quantum computer flunks landmark speed test

TODAY:  23:38 15 January 2014
In its first head-to-head test against a PC, the D-Wave Two showed no quantum speed boost – but it is being used in blink-detection and planet-hunting

Zoologger: Hunting falcons rely on sailor's trick Movie Camera

Hard-won dinner <i>(Image: Bernd Zoller/FLPA)</i>
TODAY:  23:01 15 January 2014
When peregrine falcons hunt prey birds like crows, they rely on a simple technique to ensure they intercept their victims

Nest thermostat acquisition is Google's home invasion

TODAY:  21:39 15 January 2014
What does Google want with your central heating – and what could this mean for the future of smart homes?

Ibises get fly with a little help from their friends

PICTURE OF THE DAY:  18:00 15 January 2014
A study of migrating ibises reveals why so many birds fly in "V" formations: it saves energy

The seven deadly sinners driving global warming

THIS WEEK:  18:00 15 January 2014
A study has identified the countries that have contributed most to climate change over the past century

Rubbery robot fingers play piano faster than a human Movie Camera

TODAY:  15:54 15 January 2014
A soft robot can bend in just 50 milliseconds to hit keys and play a simple tune

Star-aligned temples hint at Pompeii's religious mix

TODAY:  15:07 15 January 2014
Temples in the ill-fated Roman port seem to be aligned with stars important in Greek and Egyptian mythology, suggesting Pompeii was a cultural melting pot

Greece in crisis: Saving a nation

In this special report, New Scientist reveals the humanitarian cost of the Greek catastrophe, with plans for recovery and insights into network analysis
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Higgsteria: Hunting the world's most wanted particle

The Higgs boson was the only particle predicted by the standard model of physics that remained undetected – now all that's changed
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Shimmering colour in a fruit fly's eye

An award-winning photo reveals the beauty in the ranks of structures that make up a fruit fly's compound eye
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Zoologger: Hunting falcons rely on sailor's trickMovie Camera

When peregrine falcons hunt prey birds like crows, they rely on a simple technique to ensure they intercept their victims
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How many Earths? The first map of our galaxy's potentially habitable planets

Using data from NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, we have mapped the planets in our galaxy that might be suitable for life – and the results are awe-inspiring
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Cosmic ripples come into focus

Just how sharp is the Planck satellite's new view of the cosmic microwave background – the radiation ripples left over from the big bang? Find out with our interactive guide to the CMB
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The coming flood: Explore the future's rising seas

As the world warms, sea level will rise – but faster in some places than others. These simulations provide the best view yet of probable regional variation over the coming decades
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Your warming world: Explore our interactive map

Find out how temperatures are changing in your backyard with our interactive map of NASA's historical temperature record for the whole planet
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