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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Think of Better Passwords!!- CBS

The 25 most common passwords of 2013

Password security is more important than ever.  If you wonder which ones are the worst to use, check out the 25 most common passwords of 2013 and avoid them like the plague.

According to password management company SplashData, the top three passwords of the year are “123456,” “password” and “12345678.” The top three passwords haven't changed, but "123456" and "password" swapped places from last year. The company's list of the "25 worst passwords of the year" was compiled using data that hackers have posted online, which are said to be stolen passwords.

This year’s list had a large number of Adobe Systems-themed words and short strings of numbers. Words like "jesus," "football" and "ninja" -- which were popular last year -- dropped off the list in 2013.

"Seeing passwords like 'adobe123' and 'photoshop' on this list offers a good reminder not to base your password on the name of the website or application you are accessing," Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData, said in a press release.

How can consumer protect themselves? SplashData suggests these tips for making more secure passwords:
  • Use passwords of eight characters or more with mixed types of characters. But even passwords with common substitutions like "dr4mat1c" can be vulnerable to attackers' increasingly sophisticated technology, and random combinations like "j%7K&yPx$" can be difficult to remember. One way to create more secure passwords that are easy to recall is to use passphrases -- short words with spaces or other characters separating them. It's best to use random words rather than common phrases. For example, "cakes years birthday" or "smiles_light_skip?"
  • Avoid using the same username/password combination for multiple websites.  Especially risky is using the same password for entertainment sites that you do for online email, social networking, or financial service sites. Use different passwords for each new website or service you sign up for.
  • Having trouble remembering all those different strong passwords? Try using a password manager application that organizes and protects passwords and can automatically log you into websites.
Here are the 25 most common passwords of 2013, along with the change in rank from last year.
1.  123456 (Up 1)
2.  password (Down 1)
3.  12345678 (Unchanged)
4.  qwerty (Up 1)
5.  abc123 (Down 1)
6.  123456789 (New)
7.  111111 ( Up 2)
8.  1234567 (Up 5)
9.  iloveyou (Up 2)
10.  adobe123 (New)
11.  123123 (Up 5)
12.  admin (New)
13.  1234567890 (New)
14.  letmein (Down 7)
15.  photoshop (New)
16.  1234 (New)
17.  monkey (Down 11)
18.  shadow (Unchanged)
19.  sunshine (Down 5)
20.  12345 (New)
21.  password1 (up 4)
22.  princess (New)
23.  azerty (New)
24.  trustno1 (Down12)
25.  000000 (New)


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