Friday, January 31, 2014

Know Your Stats- the Super Bowl- WNYC

Denver vs. Seattle: The Super (Culture and Data) Bowl

Friday, January 31, 2014

00:00 / 00:00
A call-in segment for local residents who hail from Denver or Seattle, tell us why your city is better - from food to culture to..sure, football. Call 212-433-9692 or post below...

Be The Coolest Person at Your Super Bowl Party With These Census Stats

  • Total population: 634,265 for Denver, 634,541 in Seattle. That’s only a difference of 276 people!
  • They Are Both Young: Both cities have median age of about 35. National average is 37.4.
  • Unemployment: Both cities have unemployment rates below the national unemployment rate (as of 2012). 7.2% for Denver, 6.0% for Seattle. 
  • Smallish Households: Average household size is about the same – 2.3 per household in Denver, and 2.1 in Seattle, both below the national average. Though if you’re in Denver, you should buy a little extra guacamole for that 2/10ths of a person… 
  • A Booming Latino Population in Denver: One of the biggest differences has to do with immigrant groups. Denver has a Latino population of 35%, compared to just 7.3% in Seattle.  
  • Seattle Is Highly Educated: Another area of difference. Seattle has one of the highest rates of education in the country. 93% of Seattle residents have a high school diploma, Denver is at 86%, which is about the national average. And 57% of Seattle has a college degree, almost 30 points higher than the national average.

A Denver vs. Seattle Census Data Set

Data via our friends at Social Explorer. Check out the data set in a new sheet here.

Produced by:

Jody Avirgan

Comments [5]

culprit from Brooklyn
I can't believe no one mentioned THE COFFEE. (Is it because you all think Seattle is all about Starbucks? WRONG. No true Seattleite goes to Starbucks (unless they're out of town)
Jan. 31 2014 12:00 PM
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steve from upper west side
This is a ball game, people. Why compare two very different cities that are equally magnificent in very different ways, when our nation would be sorely lacking without either one of them? Both cities win, but alas, in the ball game, only one team will win... I love football, and am really looking forward to this game, but let's maintain perspective. It's a game...
Jan. 31 2014 11:56 AM
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Dylan from Midtown
The beer is better in Denver? Please. The Pacific NW will best the Rockies every day of the week. Washington state continually trumps CO in terms of ratings and quality. Give me Elysian over Avery every day of the week.
Oh, and the coffee? Roasters in WA are vastly superior. A coffee snob would never side with Denver!
Jan. 31 2014 11:56 AM
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Aaron from Bushwick
Re: Denver Music- it was an historic hotspot for Jazz in the west, particularly the Five Points neighborhood.
Jan. 31 2014 11:55 AM
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The Stupor Bowl?
Jan. 31 2014 11:46 AM
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