Translation from English

Friday, January 10, 2014

If You See Ads On This Blog-- Important Note

Despite the advice of some friends of mine ( well meaning), I have never "monetizied" my blog by doing anything to get money for it and I hope I never have to! ( It would take some really drastic set of circumstances for that to happen!!)

If you get pop up ads or other ads, they are not coming from me-- 

As I have noted before, you can get rid of most ad stuff like that ( including those creepy ads that come up showing someone has been watching what you have been viewing or buying, by going to

Which has a free basic service that will stop people from following you around on the internet. also offers more extensive services for a fee ...
I don 't feel bad about plugging them at all because from all I can tell they are a totally reputable company

And they are not paying me to say that either, just as I like Pandora as a free music site

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