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Monday, January 27, 2014

History of Grammy Winners- Los Angeles Times


Grammys history and winners through the years

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In May 1959, at a star-stud­ded ban­quet in the Beverly Hilton, the Na­tion­al Academy of Re­cord­ing Arts and Sci­ences handed out 28 Grammys. The academy, foun­ded two years earli­er, was a re­l­at­ive late­comer to the awards game, with the first Oscars hav­ing been handed out 30 years earli­er and the first Emmys 10 years pri­or. The num­ber of Grammy cat­egor­ies once grew to more than 100, but now stands at 81. Use the ar­rows be­low — or on your key­board — to learn more. (Key win­ners are high­lighted for each year.)
GRAMMYS 2014: Full cov­er­age | Nom­in­a­tion show high­lights | Top nom­in­ees | Bal­lot | Back­stage look | Com­plete list
Peggy Lee presents the Grammy for album of the year to Henry Mancini for "Peter Gunn," which also wins for best arrangement.
Los Angeles Times
Peggy Lee presents the Grammy for album of the year to Henry Mancini for “Peter Gunn,” which also wins for best arrangement.
May 4, 1959 
Record industry joins the awards club
Paul We­st­on, pres­id­ent of the re­cord­ing academy’s L.A. chapter, em­cees the in­aug­ur­al ban­quet and hands out 28 awards at the Beverly Hilton hon­or­ing mu­sic from 1958. “The Chip­munk Song” wins three awards, which trig­gers wide­spread fury among mu­sic crit­ics be­cause the in­dustry does not re­cog­nize rock ‘n’ roll and sub­sti­tutes the Chip­munks to rep­res­ent mu­sic by young people.
Re­cord: “Nel Blu, Dip­into Di Blu (Volare),” Domen­ico Mod­ugno
Al­bum: “The Mu­sic From Peter Gunn,” Henry Man­cini
Song: “Volare,” song­writer Domen­ico Mod­ugno
Published: Jan. 24, 2014
Sources: Times research
Credits: Noelene Clark, Patrick Kevin Day, Maloy Moore, Jevon Phillips, Nardine Saad, Aaron Williams, TimelineSetter

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