Can Google Glass — which includes a camera — be worn in movie theaters? One theater in Columbus, Ohio, decided not and had federal agents pull a a Glass-wearer from his seat. The agent confiscated the Glass, told the unnamed man he had been busted illegally taping the movie, and took him to a room for questioning.
"What followed was over an hour of the 'feds' telling me I am not under arrest, and that this is a 'voluntary interview,' but if I choose not to cooperate bad things may happen to me," he tells tech blog Gadgeteer. "I kept telling them that I wasn't recording anything—my Glass was off," says the man, who wore the Glass in the theater only because it includes his prescription lenses.
After extensive questioning, the agents brought in a laptop and an USB cable to check his Glass and phone before finally concluding he had done nothing wrong, he says. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman confirmed that the agency had questioned a man suspected of using an electronic device, but said he had been free to leave the "voluntary interview" at any time, NBC reports. (Meanwhile, another Glass user is off-the-hook in another high-profile case.)
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