Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Eve Online "Having Largest Ever War"-- WNYC

Eve Online Is Having Its Largest Ever War

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 11:21 AM

(The Mittani)

Eve is a massively multiplayer online game where players conduct incredibly complicated space wars with one another. Gianturco’s friend Sean Smith was known as a famous diplomat in Eve, in real life he died in the Benghazi attacks in 2012. Part of the difficulty of reporting the story was that the actual world of Eve online is complex and hard to describe. It’s so byzantine that some people who play the game rarely ever boot it up, opting instead for strategizing and communicating about the game from outside of it.

Today brings a nice illustration of that complexity. Eve Online is having its largest ever battle. The backstory to it is kind of great -- one coalition missed a bill payment on a star system they owned, which allowed other coalitions to jump in and fight for ownership of it. The ensuing battle was large enough that the game had to go into a mode called “time dilation,” where Eve enters super slow motion so as not to fry the company's servers.
The surprising thing about these Eve stories is that they’re fun to read, despite the sensation you get that 90% of the nomenclature and game rules are flying over your head. If your interest is at all piqued, you can head over to The Mittani’s blog and read his dense (but exciting!) recap here.


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Comments [1]

The "RIP Vile Rat" episode was such a moving tribute to Vile Rat/Sean Smith. And it offered me brief entree to a world I know nothing about. Listening to Gianturco talk about his friend, the world of Eve Online and the ways that skills displayed there also apply to the real world was heartwarming, honest and really really fun. One of my favorite TLDR episodes thus far. Nice work!
Jan. 28 2014 01:07 PM
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