Saturday, December 7, 2013

St. Patrick's Cathedral for Visitors with Yelp Reviews

 Photo from the Internet

Tourists from Europe often are amazed that St. Patrick's Cathedral is as young as it is...

The people who visit here usually are delighted but a few are disappointed for one reason or another

Now undergoing massive renovation

  • 11/20/2013
    A stunning sanctuary with high pillars and gorgeous complex architectural detail.

    Not enough words could describe the magnificence of this grandiose cathedral. Walking into this church makes you feel small as you stare in awe of the beautiful stained glass windows of all the angels and saints.

    Although the space is large enough to feel empty. It never does. The warm yellow lighting from the drop-down ceiling lamps give the space a golden hue to it. Adding on to the inviting yet impressive nature this space has to offer.

    Aside from the detailed artwork displayed on the massive sculptures, paintings, stained-glass windows and overall architecture. This church is always filled with people. Every time I visit, there are always people quietly praying, adoring and/or praising God. It's a beautiful thing to see and experience.

    I encourage anyone open to visiting, to visit this sanctuary. It's amazing.
  • 11/15/2013
    Were walking by on the weekend and walked in to take a peek.  What an amazingly beautiful space!  It made me think of times long past, and of glamourous weddings.

    Even with the renovations, there was still a lot to take in.  Amazing stained glass, statues, the railings are even beautiful.  I would love to have free rein to roam the various rooms here alone to explore and take pictures!

    Please note:  There is one area that pictures are NOT allowed (please watch for signs) - and try to keep it quiet as there are non-tourists there to pray.
    • 418 friends
    • 1053 reviews
    Gorgeous cathedral but undergoing renovations for another 2 yrs.  The outside and major parts of the insides are all covered up but we didn't see anyone working on the building in the day hours.  The cathedral is opened and several altars are available for praying, candle lighting and donations, of course.

    A tiny gift shop near the front of the store and I overheard the cashier telling a non-English speaking visitor in a condescending tone, "No pictures, no pictures in the gift shop, understand?"  I reminded me of the nuns yelling at you for doing something wrong.  Come on, get over yourself.  It's a visitor, they didn't know and I didn't see any signs anywhere tellin you no photos.  No need to talk to them like they're in Catholic grammar school.

    It's a really pretty cathedral. In the rear, there are about 3-4 other saint altars where you're not allowed to take pictures.  The only indication is a sign in the middle of the walkway which is easily missed because you're busy looking upwards until you run into the security guy planted there, who's job is to tell all the visitors "no photos" after you've either taken the photo already are about to.
  • 12/2/2013
    1 check-in here
    This is coming from someone who is irreligious. However, the building is beautiful. Even you do not come for prayer, it is worth seeing the beauty of the building. Since Rockefeller Center is nearby, this is a must visit along it.
    • A P.
    • San Antonio, TX
    • 0 friends
    • 10 reviews
    I am not Catholic, but I found great peace and solace within the Cathedral. It was undergoing great renovations both inside and out, but it was still very much worth it.
  • 10/8/2013
    This was on the top of my list of places to visit. I actually wanted to go to Sunday Mass here, but I knew we wouldn't make it in time. When we came upon this church, I had no idea it was going through a major renovation. Nonetheless, we were able to go inside and explore most of the grounds. I felt at peace as we sat in the pews -- you couldn't hear any of the hustle and bustle going on outside. Just you and God.

    I didn't realize there were certain parts of the church that'd didn't allow for photography, which was understandable. Each monument, tabernacle, altar, memorial, etc was breathtaking. I'm looking forward to revisiting after the restoration is complete.
    • 10 friends
    • 439 reviews
    1 check-in here
    This cathedral is among the best and most beautiful in the world - great architecture in the middle of the greatest city in the world.  If you are a visitor, this is a must visit.  If you are a local, this is a sanctuary for all.
  • 7/16/2013
    I attended a cousins funeral here, maybe it's bad taste to write a view after mentioning that, however, I will continue. Most people and tourists see the main sanctuary and crypt, however, the Lady Chapel which is located still within the main church but behind the crypt is a rare sight indeed.

    Our party was led through a side entrance up to the lady chapel. There are maybe 12 pews and the chapel is adorned with marble and multiple stained glass windows. The entire cathedral evokes a sense of humility and grace. We were very well received and our small funeral procession was treated with the all the dignity and care that a state official would receive here.

    It's a must see for all tourists, this old world architecture and the vastness of this place is amazing, you will stare in awe.
  • 7/11/2013
    I'd say it's likely the most handsome church I've ever seen in all the towns I've been to so far!  Coming from a guy that grew up hanging out at churches, that assessment may be valid to anyone at some point in time.  I can't say much anymore about it - the pillars, columns, altars, and what-have-you.  All you have to do is walk down in the middle of the city in order to see the level of architecture and awesomeness of this building.

    But of course, if you come down here to pray (like I do, of course!), you'll notice the multitude of tourists also populating the building, taking pictures, posing next to Jesus, resting and whispering aloud about where the next attraction will be while perusing their maps.  Just a heads up for you, in case you're really busy praying and wishing to land that rich and beautiful wife in the future.

    Wait, that altar looks good.  Let me just take a picture of ..wait, let me pose right next to St. Jude...this time without the thumbs up pose.
  • 8/8/2013
    This iconic building was not on my bucket list, but it was in my sisters infamous bucket list.

    When we went they were extensively working on the building. We were still allowed to walk around and explore the various forms of art. I must say, I was glad my sister dragged us here. At first I was like "eh" then with the positive individuals surrounding me, I was very pleased..

    I will come by again when I'm in the area:)
  • 10/19/2013
    1 check-in here
    Jesus H. Christ this place is ginormous! I don't always go to church, but when I do, I'm usually on vacation with my family. This is the nicest church I've ever step foot in, and I didn't burst into flames upon entering the corridor. Albeit they were under massive construction and remodeling, but you can still admire the sheer massiveness of this place. The marble floorings to the high ceilings. Feels like you could be in Rome I'd imagine.
    • 2 friends
    • 80 reviews
    This place is 5 stars for the building and the sculptures inside. The best way to describe the rest of the place is "The Attack of the Donation Requests." When you walk in, the first thing to greet you is a donation box. I put in a little money because they are not charging admission and the place needs money to upkeep the beautiful building. In front of every single statue is a donation box. So do saints charge for their services? Will my prayers not be answered by the saint if I do not pay him? What if I don't pay enough? They might as well put a fee chart since lawyers and therapists tell you the price of their services. Picture taking can be done almost everywhere except in the very back where there is a small chapel. I stayed for a service since I wanted the whole experience. The acoustics in the place were terrible I could not hear a single word the cardinal was saying. As he was talking men dressed in t-shirts and jeans were thrusting donation plates under my face. That was so tacky. What really bothered me was they had to do it TWICE! That's right donating once is not enough you have to donate TWICE! Let's not forget that if you were in a donating mood you probably already did it at the box in the entrance. So congratulations you donated three times! The only part I heard loud and clear was another woman came up and said the Catholic church requires you donate 25% of your paycheck every week to the church. Are they serious? 25% is a lot of money! What do they need with all that money? Let me guess it is to pay for the lawyers to fund their little boy "habit." I was so disgusted. I thought going to church was supposed to make people feel good not feel poor and be pressured into giving money. Let's not forget the gift shop. The prices there plus the donation requests and the 25% requirement sent me a clear message. I am too poor to be Catholic. This place is a must to see for how beautiful the building is but do not stay for the service unless you are rich.
  • 6/16/2013
    1 check-in here
    Environment: 5/5
    Employees: 5/5
    Cost: 5/5
    Parking: 3/5
    Total: 18/20

    Synopsis:  If you knew me and I told you that I was going to go to mass for Easter, you would definitely laugh at me.  But seriously...that is what I did with my friends Franny, Adeline, Chris, and Lorie Ann.  Did I want to go?  It would not be something on my list, "to do" but the fact that I have not seen this place, let alone did mass, I figured I give it a try!  For the hour I was there, it was very enlightening to hear the scriptors and history of the bible.  It is something I have not heard in such a long time.  And for some reason it brought me a high level of ease.  It made the "bad" feeling wash away.  Not to mention, I found out during that hour that a friend of mines go to church, something I did not expect to hear.

    Environment: When you walk inside, it feels as if you are in another world.  The church is very ornate, although not the most ornate I have ever seen.  The church was designed symmetrically with very bright golden colors being shined on in the front where the priest gives his sermon.   Unforutnately, the entire church is under renovation, which gives it a distburing appeal..  It is not the prettiest thing in the world to witness, but I understand that things to be done in order to maintain the building.  Furthermore, the church does not receive have any outside income, so relies solely on donations.

    Employees:  The people were really nice with greeting and departure words of kindness.

    Cost: Free

    Parking:  I think there was street parking, but I am not sure.  Other then that, it is quite difficult to find any parking in the city.
  • 9/1/2013
    The biggest cathedral in have seen in this country.  Beautiful architecture. Currently undergoing major renovation inside and outside.  The exterior is covered by scaffolding.  It is still open and accessible. But not quite with the reno.
  • 9/8/2013
    1 check-in here
    Monday morning mass is Devine
  • 7/26/2013
    1 check-in here
    I go to St. Patrick's when I'm in the city, because it's usually the closest church.  Although as church's go, they really can't be anything but a  "awesome" review, the only reason, I don't give St. Patrick's a 5 star rating is that they don't control the tourists too well here.  A lot of people actually (shock) go to mass on Sundays, so the random Chinese tourists talking/snapping flash pictures during mass (sometimes peeking out behind the priest and the alter) is a no-no in my book.  Over the years, the St. Patrick's staff have gotten better at controlling that, but it still happens more than I am comfortable with.  I also do not like the mad rush to Communion.  For that size of a cathedral, a nice, orderly line, would be much more efficient.  However, over the years, the greeters have gotten much more friendlier.  If you do want to attend mass, you get a handout with that day's mass information and hymns (and it's a nice souvenir for you tourists).  If you contribute to the weekly offering by check, they actually send you a tax receipt.  I always thought that was a nice touch.

    They are still renovating the facility last I checked.
  • 5/9/2013
    The church is undergoing a renovation which detracts a little from the building.  Other wise this place is amazing.  The architecture is stunning.

    It can get crowded so come early or come late.  The gift shop can be tight with people deciding what to but.  It could use an update also.  The staff is friendly and make do well with the space they have.
  • 4/4/2013
    What a beautiful church - despite it being a huge conglomerate of financial wealth, and religious power. There is a spirtual feeling of reverence just by looking at the high ceilings, various shrines to the saints on the side of the walls, and some devout worshippers praying with heads bowed.

    Easter flowers are still decorating the front of the church right now. The gothic style architecture with tall, narrow windows, and vaulted ceilings  is interesting as well.  Right now there is scaffolding surrounding the outside of the church while it undergoes restoration.
  • 7/29/2013
    1 check-in here
    St. Patrick's is currently undergoing a huge renovation, but it is still spectacular.  I stopped in with my young daughters to get out of the blistering heat and we ended up staying for close to an hour.  They were stunned by the architecture and enjoyed checking out all of the little alcoves.  I would love to return for a mass.
  • 6/12/2013
    1 check-in here
    Even with all the scaffolding, pounding, drilling and major renovations going on, there was a total sense of peace and serenity.  Seeing people of all races sitting, lighting candles and praying was such a wonderful site to see.  You could feel the presence of a higher power in this place.
  • 12/24/2012
    1 check-in here
    Listed in The Big Apple
    While the outside is currently not as breathtaking as I had hoped due to it being covered in construction, the interior still took my breath away. The architecture is amazing and each section dedicated to a different Saint is so intricately made. You can light a candle at any of those sections (I chose to light a candle to St. Paul), suggested donation is $2. In the front of the church is an area where you can quietly pray--no photography is allowed in that area to be respectful to those praying. It was a humbling experience to come to this huge cathedral and very awe-inspiring.

    (Unfortunately, the gift shop is not. Seems like the merchandise is very low-quality. I wanted to buy something for my mum but couldn't find anything worth purchasing.)
  • 12/26/2012
    I was disappointed I could not see much of the outside due to construction, but that can be quickly forgotten.
    I know as a Catholic, we should not use God's name in vain, but when I walked in: OMG!! The cathedral is breathtaking!! To see this gem surrounded by skyscrapers was amazing. There was the Gothic architecture and the art work was astonishing. Each alter I passed was different than that last.
    I went in the middle of the day, it didn't feel crowded because people were respectable quiet, praying or walking around and taking in the beauty of the cathedral.
  • 10/4/2012
    On a beautiful September Sunday, we walked from our hotel on 57th St down 5th to St Partick's for Sunday morning mass. Even under restoration, it's just such a histrorical and inspiring structure in the middle of all of the tall buildings.

    I was there for more of the history and architecture. My wife was there for mass in a wonderful environment. We both came away happy.

    The front doors are huge, the wood work inside is amazing, and the pew was incredible. During mass, we even had one of NYC finest have to remove someone during mass.
  • 6/1/2013
    Beautiful strict church. I wanted to baptize my children here since I'm catholic. My husband & I finally agreed to baptize them catholic and not his religion which is christian. The priest told me since we were married Christian and not Catholic,  our children could not be baptized Catholic at the church. I found another church to baptize my children which was less strict.
  • 9/25/2012
    Listed in Amen to that!
    Awe-some! Nothing I can say will quite prepare you for this Catholic mega-church.

    So go on you heathens, get your redemption on!
  • 4/1/2013
    went to visit while i was in New York last year and all i have to say is wow lots of money going on the's a historic building and once complete will look amazing inside i loved all the architecture & beautiful statues and portraits of Jesus & other saints. They will take your breath away...
  • 6/19/2013
    7 check-ins here
    I love the mass with His Eminence Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan..he is such a charismatic and wise guy, always gives homily that you can relate to..come on Sundays 10.15am mass, they have amazing choir too during this time..although right now the church in under partial renovation, so make sure u come 10min earlier yo secure seats..
  • 5/11/2013
    1 check-in here
    This is such a beautiful building. The carvings are exquisite and many of the alters were done with such high artistic skill, it was breathtaking. This is a must stop when vising in NYC if you're never been there. It reminded me of the beautiful churches in Europe, just with a lot less gold decorations.
  • 2/25/2012
    One of the most sought after and best looking structures on fifth avenue!

    I really love the architecture of this place.Both the exterior and interior look of the church takes one's breath away.It is a decorated Neo-Gothic-style Roman Catholic cathedral church and it is the seat of the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York. This place is serene,calm and just awesome. Though it is always crowded with tourists the best time to explore this church is early morning or evening.
    • 1750 friends
    • 418 reviews
    It's been awhile since I've given a place 5 stars because I'm not a big believer of perfection.

    St. Patrick's cathedral is just stellar, it goes above and beyond any other church you and I have ever seen.  This church is an absolute masterpiece and a complete work of art.  It's always filled with a huge crowd too.  The unique structure is amazing, and one of a kind. Happy ash Wednesday today :) which marks the start of lent!

    I gave up cursing, and cookies from the bakery I make daily visits to!

    If you haven't been here, come check out this wonderful piece of history.

  • 7/11/2012
    This is quite possibly the most beautiful building in the city, and most beautiful church in the country.

    So why not five stars?  I had avoided going to Mass there previously, but I did on this trip because it was close to my hotel.  Awful.  People wandering up and down the aisles taking pictures throughout, coming and going randomly from the pews all around me, chatting like there's nothing going on.  I would have though that most people, regardless of religious affiliation, would understand that this is bad behavior and try to be respectful of the actual worshippers, but no.  I put blame on the cathedral for this too, since they had a bunch of ushers around who evidently weren't trying too hard to usher the wandering tourists somewhere less obtrusive until the Mass was over.
  • 4/3/2013
    1 check-in here
    Had the pleasure of listening to Easter Sunday mass in this beautiful cathedral. Currently under restoration, but still amazingly beautiful nonetheless. Definitely a must-visit.
    • 284 friends
    • 183 reviews
    ROTD 11/25/2009
    Sometimes I want to talk to Jesus.
    Sometimes I want to imagine I'm in a Basillica in Rome.
    Sometimes I want to spend some moments in quiet reflection.
    Sometimes I want to just sit there.
    Sometimes i want to be inspired.
    Sometimes I want to give thanks for the blessings in my life.

    It is my sanctuary in the sea of chaos that is my city.
    It is my respite in times of turmoil.
    It is where the sins of my soul wash away.
    It is where I make peace with myself.
    It is where I pray.
    It is where I rejoice.
  • 3/28/2012
    Wow doesn't even begin to describe the magnificence of this cathedral. The architectural design with its high ceilings and above and beyond details to each and every corner surely left me breathless. I went for mass on Sunday and the service was quick! I had never gone through a mass so rushed in my life. Mass started at 5:30 and we were done by 6:10 despite mass usually lasting for an hour. I think the extra time was allotted for tourists like myself to take a look around, take some pictures, and say some prayers around the beautiful statues of St. Andrew, St. Therese, St. Mary, and of course, St. Patrick.

    This cathedral was so large and exquisite, that it even had a chapel inside of it as well. Wow, a chapel within a cathedral. The chapel was dedicated to those who wanted to kneel down and pray to Mary. It was just beautiful! Really makes going to church every Sunday exciting. At least for me it would be.
    • 1288 friends
    • 965 reviews
    Day 55 - Because days come and go, but some things last forever...

    The Turnaround - By Sam Y.

    I came out of the subway terminal for Rockefeller center to be greeted by bagpipe music. Maybe most wouldn't agree, but I love bagpipe music. It always reminds me of the scene from the movie, "Backdraft." The funeral procession for Kurt Russel. Its become so New York. It's a symbol of the firemen and cops alike. As different as New Yorkers are, they come together in a way I've never seen before.


    Good timing, I was able to catch a parade. A procession of bagpipes, kilts, terriers, children, and important people. The music reminded me, that Saint Patrick's Cathedral was nearby. So I headed away from the music, pass Radio City Music Hall. And...


    There it was. The most impressive church I've ever seen. Maybe due to the memory of 9-11. Maybe because its the first church I've seen in New York. Maybe because of the point I had reached. The more I had seen, the more I felt like I was nothing.

    And then I felt like, I was supposed to be here, exactly this day at this part of my trip. Like I was being called and I had 55 days to make it here. And here I am...

    I went in... I had no money, no job, alone, no home, and broken down physically and mentally. I came with nothing.

    I sat down. There was an event going on. Families of organ donors who had passed away, and the people who's lives were saved by them. When they all stood up, the amount of families affected, it was quite moving. All these people coming together, beyond race, creed, beliefs, it was about lives saved. New Yorkers showed me from suffering comes unity.

    I felt drained and tired. I laid my head down, I don't know for how long... time had stopped for me a while ago. It's all relative if you are doing something. I thought having nothing would lead me to freedom...


    I didn't know where I was, what I was doing, for a moment I was lost, or was I just lost in the moment? I thought about everything that led me here. Why I took this trip. I wanted to be free. I felt if I had no attachments, I would finally be free. I now realize, I have been free all along. The important thing has been, what do I do with this freedom? I was free to make interesting choices every day. To make every moment out of the ordinary.

    Listening to all these people, being there, right at the right moment. I felt like, even though I don't have a lot on paper...I truly do have a lot, and a lot to be grateful for. I felt luckier than ever. Wait lucky isn't the right word. I felt blessed.

    I prayed. I prayed and prayed. And in I didn't hear any voice. No responses. I didn't even find God. I did feel like though, that I had found myself. I prayed for good things for every last person I knew. I for myself asked for three things. Compassion, tolerance, and patience. I felt that would bring me peace, instead of asking for peace, those three things I can control, peace I can't. I realize how petty we can all be. Its so small yet makes us so miserable.

    That this is the Turnaround of my trip, but not only that, of my life. My trip isn't over, but I've seen enough...for now.

    Its time for me to head back...I got a lot of things left unfinished in Los Angeles. I got a lot of writing to do. A lot of faces to see, old and new. But I got a bit of clarity now that I didn't have before, mainly about happiness. Happiness seems like, its an action, not just a state of mind.

    I also believe in fate. Actually I count on it. And whatever your beliefs are, whatever you want to call it, there is Someone out there, somewhere not here. Giving us something to yelp about.

    I used to be LA's funniest yelper. But now I think I can't keep that title anymore. And I don't mind because I don't have anything funny to write about anymore haha. Everything seems too meaningful. Even a Big Mac...maybe not a Big Mac, a Whopper then. Time to care about the things that count.

    How am I doing right now you ask?

    To quote New Yorkers I've heard. "Are you kidding me? Life is beautiful!"…

    This is the song they played.

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