Monday, December 2, 2013

Rush Limbaugh vs. The Pope- from the Daily Kos ( which is left of center)

Don't expect objectivity in anything from the Daily Kos

Mon Dec 02, 2013 at 03:49 PM PST

Catholic Alliance Denounces Rush Limbaugh With A Petition Demanding An Apology

attribution: None Specified
Don't mess with the Pope, Rush. After Limbaugh's show the day before Thanksgiving, Catholics in Alliance started a Petition  demanding an apology:
Rush Limbaugh:
 “I gotta be very careful. I have been numerous times to the Vatican. It wouldn’t exist without tons of money. But regardless, what this is, somebody has either written this for him or gotten to him. This is just pure Marxism coming out of the mouth of the pope. Unfettered capitalism? That doesn’t exist anywhere. Unfettered capitalism is a liberal socialist phrase to describe the United States. Unfettered, unregulated.”
Catholics In Alliance: "We are disturbed by Rush Limbaugh's incendiary comments last Wednesday, November 27th about Pope Francis and are joining together with Catholics and other allies throughout the nation to support the Holy Father. To call the Francis a proponent of "pure marxism" is both mean spirited and naive. Francis's critique of unrestrained capitalism is in line with the Church's social teaching. His particular criticism of "trickle down economics" strengthens what Church authorities have said for decades: any economic system which deprives the poor of their dignity has no place within a just society.
Contrary to what Mr. Limbaugh suggests, the Catholic Church isn't built on money, but on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ.
We call on Mr. Limbaugh to apologize and retract his remarks. We urge other Church organizations and leaders--both ordained and lay--to also condemn Mr. Limbaugh's comments.
We proudly stand with Pope Francis as he provides prophetic leadership for the Catholic Church and the entire world."
Catholics In Alliance Petition

Pope Francis has become a symbol of hope to millions around the world. His true compassion for those in need, as well as his disdain for dogma and bureaucracy have caused even Atheists to stop and listen. When you offend millions not only nationally, but worldwide, you may have just pushed the wrong button. This may be the ticket or Godsend for which many have been waiting. Yes, this may just do Rush Limbaugh in.
To learn more about how America is protesting: Join/Visit/Like: Facebook: BoycottRush Facebook Group
Sign:Limbaugh Sponsor & Clear Channel Petition
Join:Facebook's Join The Fight To Flush Rush
Visit:The StopRush Database
Some of the many great groups that help to support the protests and boycotts include: Daily Kos, Media Matters,, One Million Pissed-Off Women, Liberals Unite,  Being Liberal, 1 Million Sluts Against Rush Limbaugh, Addicting Info, SLUTS, NOW, and Political Loudmouth.

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