Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Daily Kos-- Job Advice with Rand Paul

Tue Dec 31, 2013 at 06:50 AM PST

Job advice with Rand Paul

(Click to enlarge)
Recommended reading: this Ezra Klein post about the reality of unemployment in America today. The national average may be three job seekers for every job opening, but for many people it's worse than that:
Nationally, there are three job seekers for every one open position. But because unemployment is much higher in some cities than in others, the reality is that most people who've been unemployed for more than 26 weeks live in areas where there are four, five, six, seven and even eight job seekers for each open job. They're not being held back by their unemployment checks. They're being held back by mass unemployment.
But apparently the facts on the ground don't matter for someone with his head stuck in thick clouds of libertarian dogma. 
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