Saturday, November 30, 2013

Politician Becomes Lobbyist- from the Daily Kos

Joe 'I'm not going to become a lobbyist' Lieberman becomes a lobbyist

U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut pauses during his remarks at a news conference in Stamford, Connecticut January 19, 2011 where he announced that he will not seek re-election next year. Lieberman, 68, the 2000 Democratic vice presidential nominee
attribution: REUTERS
Enjoy being a government relations servicer, Joe
Of course Joe Lieberman, once again, turned out to be a lying sack of shit:
Lieberman said he is reviewing his options for his post-Senate years. Asked by a reporter if he intends to become a lobbyist, Lieberman said, "No, I'm not going to do that."
To translate from the Liebermanese, that actually meant, "Yes, I'm going to do exactly that":
Excerpt from Kasowitz Benson client engagement letter mentioning Joe Lieberman
That's an excerpt from a client engagement letter between Lieberman's law firm and one Basit Igtet, an aspiring Libyan politician, appended to a registration form that D.C. lobbyists for foreign nationals are required to file with the Department of Justice. And "government relations services" is just a polite synonym for "lobbying." 
Fortunately, since this is Daily Kos, we don't need to use any polite synonyms to describe Joe Lieberman. Not that anyone would even want to.

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