Friday, November 1, 2013

Letter from the Midtown Blogger: Big Format Change for Blog and My Personal Life

While I have enjoyed a lot of the experience of doing this blog for the last five years, I have realized lately that something has to change here.

First of all, while I will continue to run a few postings about restaurants, theaters, stores, etc.
I am dropping this is as the main focus of my blog.

The reason for this is that I have feel like I have gotten into a rut with this and am just taking too much time doing something that has begun to suffer from the law of diminishing returns.

Likewise, even though I enjoy reprinting articles from other places, and will continue to do so, it may be in a more limited way.

There is another important reason behind all of this: I am currently having a lot of oral surgery which is not very pleasant and because I cannot afford expensive implants, I am going to have to have dentures made  . This whole procedure has been psychologically extremely stressful for me as well as physically and while I hope everything works out in the long haul, it just puts me under too much pressure at a time when I also have other problems I have to deal with...

 To make a long story short, the blog is just going to be simpler, shorter and with more original photography by me ( now that the postings go directly to Google Plus, I am going to give up trying to keep up with Google Photo Communities for the most part).

I am also going to be doing a lot more editorializing. I do not intend to go off on a lot of rants-- I save these for letters to my friends-- but I will be writing editorials as the mood takes me which are, of course, plentiful these days and I am sure will not please or interest a lot of the people who have been following the blog in the past.

I actually considered just giving up the title "Midtown Blogger" and choosing a new name which I may have to do yet if that seems necessary.

Well, as they say, all good things must end and I have to change this now before I become completely burnt out with things going the way they are now.

Lawrence Kreger  

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