Translation from English

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How Bad is the News for Obamacare?- An Editorial

I have had a lot of arguments with people who are liberal ( as I also consider myself) about Obamacare and how it has been implemented...

Most refuse to say anything besides something like "give it time" but others are vociferous about all these people they know who are happy with the changes etc. 

When I tell them the people I know who have to have their insurance changed are definitely unhappy ( and this is in BLUE states) they simply don't want to hear about it.

In fact , Obama himself has been as aloof as he was during the first Presidential debate about the law he has claimed ownership for and said he was proud to have it bear his name..

What really bothers me was the repeated lie to people--over and over again-- that " if they like the insurance they have, they will be able to keep it."

To quote the Economist article I have run on this, ( noting the anger about the problems with the government computerized system--)

"Perhaps even angrier are those who already have coverage they like but will be forced to change it. This is due not to glitches, but Obamacare itself. Mr Obama repeatedly assured voters that those who have insurance would be able to keep it. This was untrue. Americans currently insured through their employers may largely carry on as before, but many who bought plans on the individual market will be obliged to buy different ones."

So, knowing full well what was really going to happen, Obama lied over and over to the American people about the law..

When I was listening to "the Diane Rehm Show" Friday night, I noticed that the cheery leftist chipmunk from NPR was glibly pooh-poohing this and going on and on about how people would get used to all this in the long run and everything would be fine.

Well, the Liberal Party Line is wrong, Obamacare needs some tinkering done with it and part of that means dealing with all the irate people who have to buy expensive new policies and do not qualify for subsidies.

Obama is lucky that the Republicans are so fixated with defunding Obamacare or repealing it and only John McCain has spoken about "fixing" it. Because although most people still have a negative view of Obamacare, defunding it or repealing it are not workable solutions.

I understand President Obama NOW gets a daily report on how fixes to the website are going.
That is sort of a day late and a dollar short, but Obmacare is here to stay-- though people will demand something be done to deal with the parts people are so upset about.

What that is, I have no idea and we just will have to wait and see. It is probably not a real catastrophe for the Democrats, but it dims their chances for retaking the House in 2016 or anything like that considerably and means the government-by-crisis situation we have now is just something that looks like it will go on indefinitely. And people will not like that either.

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