Friday, November 15, 2013

Croc Mauls Scottish Golfer in Mexico==and other Such Stories-- from the NY Daily News


British golfer attacked by crocodile on Cancun course 

Dougie Thompson was in Mexico for a wedding when he and some friends decided to play a round of golf at the Iberostar Cancun Golf Club. While trying to hit a ball near some shrubbery, the man was attacked by the croc, which sank its teeth into his thigh and the right side of his body. His friends got the creature off him by hitting it with clubs and running it over with a cart.

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Dougie Thomson was playing golf in Cancun while on vacation when a crocodile attacked him, clamping its' jaws around his leg and trying to drag him into the lagoon.

Lidia Grosso/Photo Smile Photography

Dougie Thomson was playing golf in Cancun while on vacation when a crocodile attacked him, clamping its' jaws around his leg and trying to drag him into the lagoon.

A British golfer has been attacked by a 12-foot crocodile as he played a shot from a bunker.
Dougie Thompson only survived after the beast sank its teeth into his leg and tried to drag him into a nearby lagoon because his friends beat off the reptile with their clubs and even ran it over with their golf buggy.
Father-of-two Thompson had to have 200 staples put into his right leg after the attack in Cancun, Mexico.
"My ball was in the bunker around 10 to 15 feet from thick shrubbery. I didn't even know there was water behind the bushes," Thompson said.
"I took a shot and it landed on the green. Then I heard this noise behind me and this huge crocodile snapped me by the thigh."
Luckily for Thompson, he was playing with three friends who were able to dash to his rescue.
"I couldn't feel pain, I was in total shock," he told the Mirror.
Thompson’s friends were able to scare the crocodile (not pictured) away after hitting it with golf clubs and even running it over with a golf cart.

Jan Paul Schrage/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Thompson’s friends were able to scare the crocodile (not pictured) away after hitting it with golf clubs and even running it over with a golf cart.

"It was like a big toy, big black eyes looking at me. Hitting it was like hitting a brick wall."
The crocodile attack only ended after being repelled by clubs and the cart.
"One of them started hitting the crocodile as well while the other actually drove the cart over it," he said.
Thompson, who now lives in Canada, said his friends were "more shocked" than him "as they had to see the attack."
But he added that if it wasn't for his friends the beast "would have pulled me back into the lagoon and had me for supper."
The group were in Mexico to attend a wedding.
He is the second golfer to be attacked at the Iberostar Cancun Golf Club. New Yorker Edward Lunger lost two fingers after being bitten by a crocodile.

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