Thursday, October 10, 2013

Struggle Against Fracking in New York State Continues, With New Wrinke

Stopping fracking in NY State is a top priority...

Of course, powerful interests will go to great lengths to try and prove that "fracking is good for you"

Here is a report on a new twist in state politics from WNYC

Assemblywoman on Fracking Panel Calls to End Health Review

Thursday, October 10, 2013

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A lawmaker from Binghamton who is on the Cuomo Administration’s hydro fracking advisory panel is asking for a do-over of an ongoing health review, saying the secretive process has compromised public confidence.

Democratic Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo has written a letter to Cuomo’s environmental commissioner asking that a health review by the Governor’s Health Commissioner, Dr. Nirav Shah, be put on hold. The year long study has been conducted mostly in secret. Her letter, posted on her Facebook page, said in part “In order for the public to have confidence in New York State’s 'health impact analysis' of shale fracking, a comprehensive public health impact study should be undertaken openly and transparently to resolve all shale fracking concerns once and for all."

Walter Hang with the anti-fracking group Toxics Targeting said the letter is significant.
“When someone so low key and behind the scenes as Assemblywoman Lupardo takes such dramatic action, I really think that sends an unmistakable message to Governor Cuomo,” Hang said. “This has gone past the point of no return.”

Lupardo is the assembly’s representative on the Cuomo Administration’s fracking advisory board. It has not met in more than a year and a half. The Assemblywoman, in her letter, mentions that she had asked in February that the advisory panel reconvene and be briefed on the ongoing health study, but her request was declined.

In September of 2012, Cuomo’s environmental commissioner announced that Dr. Shah would begin a health review, and that there would be no decision about going ahead with hydro fracking in the state until it was finished. Three outside experts were contracted to review health data that the environmental agency said it had on hand. The experts signed confidentiality clauses, and have never spoken publicly about their work. More recently, Dr. Shah has said he’s traveled to state’s that allow fracking, including Pennsylvania and Texas, and is looking at several ongoing studies, including one by the federal Environmental Protection Agency and one by a Pennsylvania health care company.
In a rare public comment last spring, Dr. Shah said he was continuing to work on the health review, and that there was “no real timetable." At the time he made those comments in April, Dr. Shah said he expected to be done in a few weeks.

Governor Cuomo has said for years now that when he does make the decision on whether to frack, it will be based on “science and facts," not “emotions."

The state has had a defacto moratorium on fracking for five years, and polls show the public is evenly divided on the issue.

The Department of Environmental Conservation declined to comment on Assemblywoman Lupardo’s letter.


Julianne Welby


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