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Thursday, October 3, 2013

City MD Urgent Car- Flatiron

Have seen a number of places like this in Manhattan now

Sure beats an ER at a City Hospital or making an appointment with an extremely busy doctor

People seem to love it--just one complaint


4.5 star rating
88 reviews Rating Details
37 W 23rd St
(between Avenue Of The Americas & Madison Ave)
New York, NY 10010
Neighborhood: Flatiron
(646) 596-9267
Nearest Transit Station:
23 St. (F, M)
23 St. (N, R)
28 St. (N, R)
By Appointment Only:
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88 reviews in English

  • Review from

    New York, NY
    9/13/2013 1 check-in here
    By day four of having a sore throat, the sound of my mom's voice in the back of my head saying "You really should go to the doctor" was getting louder.  Of course my procrastination led to me not being able to get an appointment with my regular doctor. And it was a Friday.  What to do? "Oh, wait, there's that urgent care place on 23rd...." I thought - and so I decided to give CityMD a try.

    Seriously, what a great experience for something as annoying as being sick.  I filled out the online patient form and hopped on the subway.  I walked in the the lovely waiting room (never thought I would string those three words together - it's bright and clean and generally nice), told them I had already registered.  All I had to do was sign a form and hand over my insurance card and driver's license.  Easy peasy.  A few short minutes later I was back in an exam room.  I was in and out in under 25 minutes (which probably isn't the norm, but I was happy it worked out that way for me), but didn't feel super rushed by any means.  As much as I would love to never need City MD's services again, I'm sure I will, in fact, get sick again, and I would definite go back to them for urgent care.
  • Review from

    New York, NY
    9/3/2013 1 check-in here
    Always the procrastinator, I needed a physical for work- pronto. Of course, getting an appt TWICE with my PCP at my available odd hours is pretty much impossible. CityMD to the rescue today!

    What a smart and practical concept: a good doctor available whenever YOU wanna see them (albeit a tiny wait time, but nothing more than that of your regular doc's office) at easier to get to hours. I see their offices sprouting everywhere now. Perfect for workaholics and people with nonflexible jobs...or whatever urgent medical needs that doesn't warrant a trip to the ER.

    This facility is clean, professional and apparently takes a variety of insurances. My fellow patients were non-sketchy and normal. The staff was cordial and my doctor was great: sweet and to the point. I know I sound like an ad right now, but it's the simple truth. I'll prob still stay with my doc since I love her, but CityMD is def my alternative.
  • Review from

    • 1 friend
    • 11 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    Honestly, I did not believe that the rave reviews on here for CityMD could be true. How could a busy Manhattan urgent care facility really be that wonderful? Well, it is. Here's why:

    The space: the ambiance is sleek, sophisticated, and very clean. The chairs are comfortable, exam rooms are plentiful, and even the x-ray room was welcoming. Being a total NY1 nerd, I was pleased they had it on in the lobby and in the exam rooms (there are flat screen TVs in each room, not that I had to wait more than a few seconds before the medical staff came in).

    The frontline staff: they are some of the friendliest people I have ever encountered. Because I filled out my information online, it took me about one minute to sign in with the reception desk, and I barely sat down by the time they called my name to go back to an exam room. The medical assistant was thorough and very personable, and the doctor came in to see me before we'd even finished my medical history.

    Why I was there: I had injured my leg a few days back, and instead of getting better, it'd begun to get worse, so I was afraid I had hairline fracture or something in my tibia. I figured it would be better to go to a place with an x-ray machine (my PCP is great, but I couldn't get in day-of and his office outsources all scans and tests), and CityMD has both an x-ray machine and an x-ray tech who's one of the nicest guys on the planet. In fact, he's so nice I was really tempted to ask if he was single so I could set him up with one of my friends. I refrained, though.

    The doctor: Dr. Kapoor was simply phenomenal. He actually listened to me (last year I had to go to the ER, and the doctors there did not take five minutes to listen to what I had to say), asked a lot of questions about what exactly happened (he checked to make sure I had not banged my head, hip, or anything else; I'd just fallen really hard on my leg), he explained what he thought was going on, and after my x-ray, he gave me a thorough overview of the situation, the treatment plan, and what follow-up I should take if it didn't get better with the anti-inflammatories he was going to prescribe. He gave me two prescriptions and a list of orthopedics to call if things hadn't improved in three or four days. He also wrapped my knee with an ace bandage because he said compression and support would help.

    Finishing up: Discharge took two minutes, and I was in and out in less than half an hour (seriously: I arrived at 10.15 and walked out the door at 10.45). The receptionist told me where the nearest Duane Reade was for me to fill my prescriptions, which is good because the DR by my office takes five years to take down your name and birthdate. Because CityMD is in-network for my insurance, my copay was $0.

    The bottom line: if you need to see a doctor urgently for a non-life threatening issue, get your tuchas to CityMD. The staff is incredibly nice, will treat you like a human being, and give you superb medical care. I will definitely be coming back here and will recommend it to others.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 9 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    AWESOME! I went in on a Friday at 5:15pm, I was out the door, prescription in hand at 5:45pm.  Everyone was very nice, accommodating and efficient. I have not one bad thing to say about my whole experience.
    Thanks City MD!
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 3 reviews
    New York, NY
    Short version:  Quick, very clean, super polite folks, takes your insurance. Go.

    I only go to urgent care doctors for the basics when I need a quick prescription -- swimmer's ear, pink eye, strep throat -- thankfully nothing requiring the services of Dr. House MD.  If you work or live in the neighborhood and have anything similar to the aforementioned , GO HERE, full stop.  I was in and out in 20 minutes, $30 copay paid, script in hand.

    Front desk, quick and organized.
    Nurses, cool and helpful.
    Doctors, professional, polite, and in a good mood.

    Easy like Sunday morning, y'all.

    Pro tip -- Even though they don't open until 8am, you can get in early around 7:45 to fill out any necessary paperwork and be first in line when the doctors open for business at the top of the hour.  I just did this and was out by 8:15, giving me plenty of time to make it to the office by 9.
  • Review from

    Manhattan, NY
    8/3/2013 1 check-in here
    Really can't say anything bad about it. I just needed a PPD test for work and dreaded looking up a PCP and waiting 2 hrs for something that takes 5 mins. I found this place online. Even got to check in online with my info. Came there and they took my insurance and info and I was seen in less than 10 mins.

    High Rec if you just need basic stuff and don't want to wait. Great bc theres no appointment and its open on weekends!
  • Review from

    • 41 friends
    • 36 reviews
    Wow - this place was surprisingly awesome.  I say "surprisingly" because when you typically picture an urgent care place, an ER comes to mind.... long wait, unhelpful staff, etc.  The staff here was amazing and the facility was super clean.  I felt super relaxed and got out of there in 30 minutes.  The doctor addressed all of my concerns and I even got a follow-up call from the office today to ask how my injury was healing.

    Hopefully you don't have to visit an urgent place center any time soon, but if you do, CityMD was awesome.
  • Review from

    New York, NY
    6/8/2013 1 check-in here
    Love CityMD and highly recommend them for someone who doesn't have a general physician.

    As a recent transplant, I don't have a doctor.  I have a dentist and a gynocologist (priorities!), but no regular doctor.  Which was fine, until something bit me and my leg started to swell.  What should I do?!

    A girl at work recommended a walk-in clinic, and I remembered the flyers I'd gotten from CityMD.  I went to the one near work (on 23rd).  They accept walk-ins, and I saw the doctor in about 7 minutes (and that included the simple one page of paperwork I had to fill out).  I had a super nice assistant named Sam, and there was a TV playing in the room, which helped me relax.  The office was very clean, and I was in and out in just a few minutes with a prescription for a cream and also some follow-up antibiotics in case the cream didn't work.

    And then, two days later, I got a call checking on how I was doing.  For only the cost of my $35 copay, I will definitely be back to CityMD next time something ails me!
  • Review from

    • 10 friends
    • 16 reviews
    Manhattan, NY
    CityMD was amazing! I walked in after a long sleepless night of pain and terrible irritation. The staff was so friendly, the paperwork took no time at all, and I only sat in the waiting room for about 10 minutes before I was seen. Dr. Kapoor is great and did a really thorough exam and listened to everything I was saying before making his diagnosis. After leaving, I went straight to the nearest Walgreen's pharmacy and my prescription was ready in no time! Such a great experience. I will definitely be coming back to this location if I have any other problems. Did I mention the whole visit took less than an hour?!
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 3 reviews
    Pound Ridge, NY
    I also echo the other reviewers.  Was there today - beautiful space, spotless, bright and capable help.  My son was seen within 5-10 min - actually completed all paperwork online, before we got there so a real time saver!

    All medical staff was top notch and we were not rushed at all.  Doctor spent time, explained and gave us time to ask questions.  Was caring and empathetic  and did not seemed rushed at all.

    I am a native New Yorker - I was blown away by how good this place is!
  • Review from

    • 3 friends
    • 76 reviews
    New York, NY
    A few weeks ago, I had a nasty kitchen accident which left me with a deep wound that kept bleeding profusely for almost 2 days. I cut off the tip of my thumb. When I finally thought the bleeding had stopped, it turned out that the bandage I'd used somehow grew together with the wound and I could not take it off. Trying to pull it off was the worst pain of my life, like skinning myself alive.

    I was without insurance at the time and hence hesitant about going to an ER. Encouraged by the good reviews, I visited this facility after 2 days of crying and panicking over a very painful and ugly wound. I waited maybe 10 minutes to be seen. I was in an awful shape and pretty much having a panic attack because I knew they'd somehow have to separate the bandage from my flesh. Both the assistant and the doctor were calm and understanding, although I cried like a little kid. After we still couldn't stop the bleeding for 45 more minutes, they applied surgifoam to the wound. I was shocked that they had it here, because I was later told by another doctor that it's typically used in trauma settings.

    Best of all, although surgifoam is quite expensive, they didn't charge anything for it on top of the $125 visit fee. And as promised, my finger grew back within a month or so :-)
  • Review from

    Manhattan, NY
    7/12/2013 1 check-in here
    I love this place!  The location is easy on the eyes, comfortable, air conditioned, etc.  I usually avoid doctors at all costs but I got this crazy splinter that I could not remove from my thumb knuckle so here I went.  This place is usually fast but there was a procedure going on before my minor hand surgery.  After apologizing profusely I was seen by a super friendly doctor and my finger was attended to.  They did an x-ray to be certain and I have a follow up with a specialist.  These guys are thorough: they even gave me a disc copy of my x-ray for the specialist.  While I never enjoy being sick or random and ridiculous injuries this place is a super easy and convenient way to get your body tuned up.  They also accepts most health insurance.  I give this place my bandaged thumb up!!!
  • Review from

    • 1 friend
    • 5 reviews
    Brooklyn, NY
    At first, I was really impressed and happy to have found this place. However I've been misdiagnosed twice now here at City MD Flatiron and one of which is more recent and severe. People are friendly, I'm just disappointed that I never really got "cured" or "treated" correctly.

    First time I went to City MD was because of a rash I noticed I get sometimes after being in the ocean. The Doctor said it was a small break in the skin gave me antibiotics and said I'll be fine. Here I am a year later in San Diego and when I thought I'd finally be able to enjoy the ocean, boom the rash is back in the same area and here I am sitting in the bed in this beautiful weather, nervous to go in the water. I have to wait until I get back to NY to find another doctor and hopefully they can confirm it might be swimmer's itch from my own observation or be able to properly diagnose me.

    Second time is more recent, I'll make a long story short. They thought it was shingles and turned out to be MRSA. Symptoms started to get worst went back said it MIGHT be Staph. Unfortunately it was too late and next day I had to check myself in the ER because I became severely ill. I was in the Hospital for almost a week. After countless shots and intake of liquid Clindamycin, I was finally able to walk again without crutches.

    Sorry, I really was impressed and happy about this place until all that has happen and the financial cost it burden me with. I don't even care that they were not too genuine about finding out I had to be in the ER, I care more about them never knowing what the hell is wrong with me. Unless you are a wee-bit sick and the symptoms are easy to evaluate, don't go here. If you need real help go to a real doctor, a primary doctor or even clinics in the hospital might be more of help the City MD Flatiron.
  • Review from

    • 0 friends
    • 1 review
    Manhattan, NY
    Efficient, friendly, pleasant highly qualified staff, and just around the corner form my office!


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